Animals in Morocco are of diverse types, with considerable variations in their food tendencies and types of habitations. Generally Animals in Morocco refers to wild and domestic organisms together, both of which exert positive influences on the surrounding environment of the country.
Dorcas Gazelle is one of the primary Morocco Animals. It is the smallest of all gazelles, with the longest pair of legs. Both males and female Gazelles possess long, curved horns. They are mostly vegetation in nature, thriving especially on Acacia leaves. They are active generally during early mornings and evenings, and remain hidden during proper daytimes owing to the scorching heat of the desert areas in which they live. The most striking feature about a Dorcas gazelle is that it can survive without water throughout its lifetime, as the total water demand of this animal is met by the plants it feeds upon.
Fennec Fox, the smallest of all foxes is an integral part of the Wildlife in Morocco. Its big eyes and huge ears help it to remain cool amidst the intense desert heat as well as take notice of potential foods or enemies. Its usual habitation is the burrows near the Sahara Desert region, where it sleeps during daytime to avoid the outside heat. After the darkness, it comes out of the burrows for hunting lizards and other insects and eats fruit and eggs also.
Sloughi is a dog and another important Moroccan Fauna. Also called the "Arabian Sighthound", it belongs to the same family as the salukis, greyhounds and Afghans. This beast in Morocco is bred mainly for hunting purposes. Its long legs help it to run very fast. Sloughis as a well-known animal life in Morocco is intelligent, faithful and friendly with children.
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