Morocco, EU explore sea fisheries cooperation

Morocco  Freshest

Brussels - Morocco's Agriculture and Fisheries minister Aziz Akhannouch paid, on Thursday, a working visit to Brussels at the invitation of European commissioner for fisheries Maria Damanaki.

On this occasion, the two parties examined the Moroccan-UE cooperation in sea fisheries and prospects for the renewal of the partnership agreement in the fisheries sector between the Kingdom and the European community.

EU_MOROCCO_fishDuring this meeting, the minister gave an overview on the "Halieutis" plan and outlined the main achievements since its launch and major development projects initiated under it.

The two sides agreed to continue their discussions on the renewal of the agreement.

The partnership agreement in the fisheries sector, concluded for a renewable term of four years, came into force in March 2007.

It allows EU vessels to have access to new fishing grounds in the Moroccan waters, and provides for a financial contribution for Morocco. (MAP)

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