moroccan beaches pictures

my friends and i ventured on a 3 hour train ride to Marrakech for 3 nights- we rented a riad with 30 of our friends! heres some pictures of it/our camel ride in the hot hot heat after a night at Pacha!
BEST NIGHT CLUB EVER! and Teatro! weird being with so many arabic people, had henna written on my hand that said my name in arabic, random lady grabbed my hand and started to write on me! it was so WEIRD!
went to a restaurant with belly dancers and women were had HUGE plates of candles on their heads and balancing and dancing – FOOD WAS SO GOOD!
La Momonia=beautiful hotel !!! SO STUNNING!!!!! spent the day their eating lunch, GORGEOUS
Spent our lady day of being official SAS-ers on the voyage at NIKKI BEACH!!! the most amazing day of my life! surrounded with absolute wealth and fun, the music was amazing! we met outstanding and beautiful people from all over the world, especially Europe, who just came in for the day that wanted to spend money, drink, dance and enjoy the nice Marrakech weather!
we spent the next night at a hookah bar!!! it was so much fun, before we went out and met up with our friends (who we met that day) at nikki beach, who got us a table at the club!! it was so cool, just walking through the lines and

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