Powers in the presence

Powers in the presence

Map of Barbary in 1843 (northern part of the Maghreb) according to the geographer Alexandre Vuillemin
During the nineteenth century, European colonial powers trying to establish their influence in North Africa. During the conquest of Algeria, France, Morocco obtains a promise of neutrality (1832). But in 1839, the Sultan Abd al-Rahman supports the efforts of the Algerian emir Abd el-Kader, the Algerian conflict lies in the Moroccan provinces. The Moroccan army is defeated by the French troops of Marshal Bugeaud at Isly August 17, 1844. The Treaty of Tangier, September 10, 1844, outlaws Abd el-Kader and defines the border between the two countries.
The UK is seeking to increase its economic power and signs in 1856, a commercial treaty very advantage. Spain pushes his desire to recapture. Responding to the success of colonization carried out by France, it takes possession of the islands Jaafarines, Mediterranean island in May 1848. It starts and wins the war Tetouan 1859-186066. This defeat in Morocco imposes heavy casualties and a large war indemnity, aggravating an already bad economic situation-in-point.
France, meanwhile, eager to be in North Africa sign a homogeneous territory in 1863, a French-Moroccan. Benefits granted to France and the UK are extended to all European countries at the Madrid Conference (1880).
Sultan Moulay Hassan to lead the country during this period (1873 - 1894) attempts to modernize and plays on the European rivalries to maintain its independence. But at his death, and even the death of the Regent Grand Vizier Ahmed ben Moussa said "Ba Ahmad" in 1900, the colonial maneuvers started again on Morocco. France in particular and includes land occupied Eastern Moroccan its departments of Algeria between 1902 and 1904. Since it occupies and colonizes Algeria, France is concerned about the security of the borders between Algeria and Morocco and eyeing the Sultanate neighbor, one of the last independent African countries. Its merchants and contractors will be very active, especially in Casablanca, a port of recent creation.
Thus Lalla Maghnia and the central Sahara touching the border of Mali, Tuat, Tidikelt, Saoura, Bechar Jorf Torba, Abbadia Métarfa, Hassi Regel, N'khaila El Hamira, Kenadsa Timimoun and pass under French control.
The policy of Abd al-Aziz led the country to economic and financial crisis.

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