The arrival of the Andalusians and Moriscos

The arrival of the Andalusians and Moriscos
Al-Andalus, Boabdil, Moriscos, Arab-Andalusian music and Reconquista.

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expulsion of the Moors from Spain in 1609 following the Edict of Philip III
The early success of the Reconquista Andalusian Muslims started to retreat to Morocco, and from the twelfth century, decided to leave some Andalusian Moorish Spain but the majority of them were forced to leave Spain mainly in two stages: in the fall of Granada in 1492, and in 1609 with the expulsion of the Moors followed the decline to the Maghreb.
It is necessary to remember that before 1492, the geographical proximity of Morocco with Spain Andalusian naturally induces constant exchanges between these two and other countries.
The proximity of Morocco and the desire to return to Spain will lead to the presence of a high concentration of Andalusians on the northern shores of Morocco. The Spanish Catholic monarchs saw a danger in this concentration, located just 14 km from their bank, attacked the northern shores of Morocco and the Maghreb and took the cities of Melilla and Penon de Velez to prevent any attempt to return.
The influx of these Andalusians, that Morocco will integrate into the social and economic fabric, will mark a turning point in the culture, philosophy, the arts and politics. Note that many intellectuals and artists Andalusian join the royal courts, the movement will be initiated by the famous Averroes Cordoba (died in Marrakech) and the last poet of classical Arabic Muslim Spain, Ibn al-Khatib of Granada, which ended his life in Fez.

Representation of Sale at the time of Jan Janszoon, better known as the pirate admiral Murad Rais.
The Moriscos settled in Rabat (called New Salé) and Salt (Salt Ancient) form a State privateer in 1627, the Republic of Bouregreg also called Republic of the Two Rivers. This political entity, comparable in some ways to the Barbary regencies of central and eastern Maghreb under Ottoman rule, still racing successful business leaders who bring their bosses to negotiate with the major European powers. Recklessness captains Saletins is indeed known, and some of them conduct daring raids to Iceland or to North America (especially to Newfoundland). After a period of independence in the early seventeenth century, the Alaouite sultan Moulay Rachid ends the existence of the republic salétine and the annex to the Sharifian Empire.
Similarly, the city of Tetouan, populated mainly "Andalusians" since its reconstruction in the late fifteenth century, form a de facto independent principality, ruled by the family Naqsis. The principality welcomes more than 40,000 Moors following their explulsion54. Social structure comparable to Rabat, the race there is a major activity through its port Martil, downriver to the eponymous connects.
In Morocco, the race war declines in the late eighteenth century, with final judgment in 1829, following the attacks of retaliation against the Austrian fleet Asilah (which followed the capture of a vessel this nation by pirates marocains55). The majority of captains Saletins is Moorish origin but are also present in many European renegades (the most famous being the Dutchman Jan Janszoon became admiral Mourad Rais), Moroccan natives and Turkish sailors or turquisés from Algiers and the Regency of Tripoli.

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