Anyone got good quotes of people who make Shakespear look like a good writer? post 'em up!
I shall set it off.
"The Picture of the Arab woman is very beautiful. Maybe she is [so-and-so] but now the camels are gone. You should have left one of them there too.I would like to have an interesting post"
I like to clear this up. First of all the picture of the vampires was posted on my thread and some of the other threads.
Then there was a posting of the Moroccan poster with the camels. I like to see animals. I think they are interesting. Touch them not really but see them yes.
Then the Fierce Warrior was posted along with the Rotating Globe and the Jewel. I liked that. This artwork is deleted.
All the Moroccan posters were deleted and the Arab Woman was posted. She is very pretty. I don't know who posted her and I do not really know if she is truly Arab or a Mexican woman in Arabic clothing.
Steve's print smacks of Nazism so I am not interested in that. He is kind of vulgar.
The story of the WitchQueen, Ishtar puts her with the Warrior King. He could be a Warlock. The planet is Xanthia, the most beautiful planet in the Universe. The WitchQueen and the Warrior King both have magical powers. The King has an army of warriors. The Queen has a black Crescent Moon and a Star on her right side of her face. She has dark reddish brown hair with braids. I do not have a name for the King yet.
Nice to meet you. I suspected you were mythical.
WitchQueen alias
Sometimes I don't write perfectly clear. Please excuse.
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