Showing posts with label Essence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essence. Show all posts

L'essenza di Marrakech Marocco

A poche ore dall'Europa è un luogo dove si meraviglieranno le attrazioni e i suoni di una terra lontana. Che vanta una ricca storia, avventure esotiche, bazar all'aperto e un incredibile mix di culture, Marrakech inevitabilmente vi sedurrà ciascuno dei vostri sensi in un modo molto toccante. Insieme con i paesaggi spettacolari, viaggiatori più esigenti sarà essere istantaneamente attirati dalla magia di Marrakech.

Per secoli, la terra del Marocco attrae i viaggiatori in cerca di avventura e opportunità esotiche. La città di Marrakech si trova ai piedi delle montagne dell'Atlante innevate solo un'ora di distanza, ed escursioni sono avventurosi e in marocchino tradizionale stile: lusso campeggio in tende beduine, un viaggio in cammello piombo da una guida di nomade attraverso il dune, passeggiate a cavallo attraverso ai piedi dell'Atlante dove antiche carovane attraversati o in bicicletta attraverso fatiscenti Kasbah deserto del XVI secolo (pezzi antichi di una città).

Si può visitare un tradizionale villaggio berbero, prendere un escursione giornaliera o trekking monte Toubkal, la montagna più alta in Africa del Nord. Mongolfiera consente di prendere nei siti di un paesaggio diverso – una belle catene montuose con laghi villaggi rupe sporgente, tinti color smeraldo, e pascoli d'alta quota.

Ci sono molte opportunità per negozio i suq (mercati) e di esplorare i vicoli di questa città davvero romantico. L'antica capitale, Marrakech offre il più grande mercato tradizionale in Marocco e la piazza più frequentata di tutta l'Africa. Esplorazioni devono essere fatto a piedi, bicicletta o carrozze nei vicoli labirintici di antiche medine, dove le spezie esotiche waft attraverso vetrine strette affollate tentati di fare shopping affare serio.

Souk visualizzano colorate ceramiche e tappeti e creazioni consuetudinarie di merci Speziale, cosmetici, erbe, gioielli, pelle, profumi e ciabatte, tutte le materie prime tradizionali in questo paese arabo. Incantatori di serpenti, musicisti, ballerini e giocolieri linea Souk per intrattenere e soggezione turisti e locali.

In una terra piena di sorprese meravigliose, ci sono molti alberghi di lusso a Marrakech, diversi come il paesaggio in Marocco.

L'Hivernage Hotel & Spa, situato nel cuore di Marrakech, è un magnifico hotel, circondato da lussureggianti giardini e una vista mozzafiato delle montagne dell'Atlante. Alti soffitti, colonne di marmo e tessuti stravaganti dare questo hotel suo carattere.

Amanjena Resort, che si traduce in "paradiso Pacifico" è stato costruito nel 2000 ed è il primo Aman Resort del continente africano. Nota per offrire esclusività e privacy, questo resort si trova all'interno di un'oasi di palme e ulivi maturi.

Hotel La Mamounia ha una reputazione, negli anni passati, per condurre signorile cene per cui uomini vestiti di cappelli a cilindro e code e donne, ornate di gioielli, indossava abiti da sera lunghi. Attualmente chiusa fino al 2007 per lavori di ristrutturazione, questo hotel è immerso in giardini tranquilli quasi trecento anni ed è conosciuto come uno degli alberghi più grandi e più squisiti del mondo.

Marrakech è conosciuta come la città rossa, o in arabo come Al Medina al-Hamra, a causa della relativa costruzione colorato di rosa. Con la città vecchia (medina) e la metropoli moderna, la popolazione è stimata in circa 2 milioni.

Riad (case urbane) sono situate intorno ad un cortile e giardino e rappresentano una tradizionale dimora dove i residenti ca n trovare pace dal clamore della città. I locali sono amichevoli e il loro modo esigente della vita una costante fonte di stupore. Uomini shuffle intorno in mantelli con cappuccio e cominciano ogni giornata con un esilarante invito alla preghiera nella moschea locale.

Diventare parte di questa cultura è inevitabile. È un onore per unirsi a una famiglia di cenare all'interno di un riad privato per mangiare deliziosi, cotto lentamente tajine di agnello e pane piatto marocchino. Bere tè alla menta è consuetudine, così come l'arte esotica di danza del ventre. Mangiare il couscous, socializzare e semplicemente godersi l'ospitalità fa parte di una giornata tipica marocchina.

Venite a vedere che cosa questo magico paese ha da offrire, da scambi culturali per spedizioni avventurose e splendidi tramonti che visualizzano un caleidoscopio di colori. Dalle montagne innevate Atlas per le infinite sabbie del deserto, esperienza di un paese di contrasti drammatici e una genuina ospitalità. La ricca storia e le tradizioni di questa antica terra offrono qualcosa per ogni gusto. Per la diversità pura, sarebbe difficile immaginare una destinazione più perfetta di Marrakech.

The Essence Of Marrakech Morocco

Only a few hours from Europe is a place where you will marvel at the sights and sounds of a distant land. Boasting a rich history, exotic adventures, open-air bazaars, and an incredible mix of cultures, Marrakech will inevitably seduce each of your senses in a very poignant way. Along with the spectacular scenery, discerning travelers will be instantly lured by the magic of Marrakech.

For centuries, the land of Morocco has been attracting travelers in search of adventure and exotic opportunities. The city of Marrakech lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains only an hour away, and excursions are adventurous and in traditional Moroccan style: luxury camping in Bedouin tents, a camel journey lead by a nomad guide through the dunes, horseback riding through the Atlas foothills where ancient caravans traversed, or cycling through crumbling 16th century desert kasbahs (ancient parts of a city).

You can visit a traditional Berber village, take a day hike, or trek Mount Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa. Hot air ballooning allows you to take in the sites of a diverse landscapes – a beautiful mountain ranges with cliff-hanging villages, emerald tinted lakes, and high altitude pastures.

There are plenty of opportunities to shop the souks (marketplaces) and explore the alleyways of this genuinely romantic city. An ancient capital, Marrakech offers the largest traditional market in Morocco and the busiest square in all of Africa. Explorations must be done on foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriages in the labyrinthine backstreets of ancient medinas, where exotic spices waft through crowded narrow storefronts tempting you to do some serious bargain shopping.

Souks display colorful pottery and carpets and customary creations of apothecary goods, cosmetics, herbs, jewelry, leather, perfumes, and slippers, all traditional commodities in this Arabic country. Snake charmers, musicians, dancers and jugglers line the souks to entertain and awe tourists and locals alike.

In a land full of wonderful surprises, there are many top luxury hotels in Marrakech, diverse as the landscape in Morocco.

The Hivernage Hotel & Spa, set in the heart of Marrakech, is a magnificent hotel surrounded by lush gardens and stunning views of the Atlas Mountains. High ceilings, marble columns and extravagant fabrics give this hotel its character.

Amanjena Resort, which translates to “peaceful paradise” was built in 2000, and is the first of the Aman Resort on the African continent. Known for offering exclusivity and privacy, this resort is set within an oasis of palms and mature olive trees.

Hotel La Mamounia has quite a reputation, in years past, for conducting stately dinners for which men dressed in top hats and tails and women, adorned with jewels, wore long evening gowns. Currently closed through 2007 for extensive renovations, this hotel is set amid tranquil gardens almost three hundred years old, and is known as one of the world’s grandest and most exquisite hotels.

Marrakech is known as the Red City, or in Arabic as Al Medina al-Hamra, because of its rose tinted building. With the old city (medina) and the modern metropolis, population is estimated to be around two million.

Riads (urban houses) are situated around a courtyard and garden, and represent a traditional dwelling place where residents ca n find peace from the clamor of the city. The locals are friendly, and their demanding way of life a constant source of amazement. Men shuffle around in hooded cloaks and begin each day with an exhilarating call to prayer at the local mosque.

Becoming part of this culture is inevitable. It is an honor to join a family to dine within a private riad to eat delicious, slow-cooked tajines of lamb and flat Moroccan bread. The drinking of mint tea is customary, as is the exotic art of belly dancing. Eating couscous, socializing and simply soaking up the hospitality is part of a typical Moroccan day.

Come and see what this magical country has to offer, from cultural exchanges to adventurous expeditions, and amazing sunsets that display a kaleidoscope of colors. From the snow-capped Atlas Mountains to the endless desert sands, experience a country of dramatic contrasts and a genuine hospitality. The rich history and traditions of this ancient land offer something for every taste. For sheer diversity, it would be hard to imagine a more perfect destination than Marrakech.

De essentie van Marrakech Marokko

Only a few hours from Europe is a place where you will marvel at the sights and sounds of a distant land. Boasting a rich history, exotic adventures, open-air bazaars, and an incredible mix of cultures, Marrakech will inevitably seduce each of your senses in a very poignant way. Along with the spectacular scenery, discerning travelers will be instantly lured by the magic of Marrakech.

For centuries, the land of Morocco has been attracting travelers in search of adventure and exotic opportunities. The city of Marrakech lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains only an hour away, and excursions are adventurous and in traditional Moroccan style: luxury camping in Bedouin tents, a camel journey lead by a nomad guide through the dunes, horseback riding through the Atlas foothills where ancient caravans traversed, or cycling through crumbling 16th century desert kasbahs (ancient parts of a city).

You can visit a traditional Berber village, take a day hike, or trek Mount Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa. Hot air ballooning allows you to take in the sites of a diverse landscapes – a beautiful mountain ranges with cliff-hanging villages, emerald tinted lakes, and high altitude pastures.

There are plenty of opportunities to shop the souks (marketplaces) and explore the alleyways of this genuinely romantic city. An ancient capital, Marrakech offers the largest traditional market in Morocco and the busiest square in all of Africa. Explorations must be done on foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriages in the labyrinthine backstreets of ancient medinas, where exotic spices waft through crowded narrow storefronts tempting you to do some serious bargain shopping.

Souks display colorful pottery and carpets and customary creations of apothecary goods, cosmetics, herbs, jewelry, leather, perfumes, and slippers, all traditional commodities in this Arabic country. Snake charmers, musicians, dancers and jugglers line the souks to entertain and awe tourists and locals alike.

In a land full of wonderful surprises, there are many top luxury hotels in Marrakech, diverse as the landscape in Morocco.

The Hivernage Hotel & Spa, set in the heart of Marrakech, is a magnificent hotel surrounded by lush gardens and stunning views of the Atlas Mountains. High ceilings, marble columns and extravagant fabrics give this hotel its character.

Amanjena Resort, which translates to “peaceful paradise” was built in 2000, and is the first of the Aman Resort on the African continent. Known for offering exclusivity and privacy, this resort is set within an oasis of palms and mature olive trees.

Hotel La Mamounia has quite a reputation, in years past, for conducting stately dinners for which men dressed in top hats and tails and women, adorned with jewels, wore long evening gowns. Currently closed through 2007 for extensive renovations, this hotel is set amid tranquil gardens almost three hundred years old, and is known as one of the world’s grandest and most exquisite hotels.

Marrakech is known as the Red City, or in Arabic as Al Medina al-Hamra, because of its rose tinted building. With the old city (medina) and the modern metropolis, population is estimated to be around two million.

Riads (urban houses) are situated around a courtyard and garden, and represent a traditional dwelling place where residents ca n find peace from the clamor of the city. The locals are friendly, and their demanding way of life a constant source of amazement. Men shuffle around in hooded cloaks and begin each day with an exhilarating call to prayer at the local mosque.

Becoming part of this culture is inevitable. It is an honor to join a family to dine within a private riad to eat delicious, slow-cooked tajines of lamb and flat Moroccan bread. The drinking of mint tea is customary, as is the exotic art of belly dancing. Eating couscous, socializing and simply soaking up the hospitality is part of a typical Moroccan day.

Come and see what this magical country has to offer, from cultural exchanges to adventurous expeditions, and amazing sunsets that display a kaleidoscope of colors. From the snow-capped Atlas Mountains to the endless desert sands, experience a country of dramatic contrasts and a genuine hospitality. The rich history and traditions of this ancient land offer something for every taste. For sheer diversity, it would be hard to imagine a more perfect destination than Marrakech.

L'Essence de Marrakech Maroc

Seulement quelques heures de l'Europe est un endroit où vous s'émerveilleront devant les images et les sons d'une terre lointaine. Bénéficiant d'une histoire riche, des aventures exotiques, bazars en plein air et un incroyable mélange de cultures, Marrakech inévitablement séduira chacun de vos sens de manière très poignante. Ainsi que les paysages spectaculaires, les voyageurs exigeants seront immédiatement attirés par la magie de Marrakech.

Pendant des siècles, les terres du Maroc attire les voyageurs en quête d'aventure et opportunités exotiques. La ville de Marrakech se trouve dans les contreforts de l'Atlas enneigés, seulement une heure de route, et excursions sont aventureuses et en traditionnel marocain style : luxe camping en tentes bédouines, une avance de voyage chameau par une guide nomade à travers les dunes, équitation chevauchée à travers les contreforts de l'Atlas où les anciennes caravanes traversés ou vélo à travers l'effritement du XVIe siècle du désert kasbahs (parties anciennes de la ville).

Vous pouvez visiter un village berbère traditionnel, prendre une journée de randonnée ou trek Mont Toubkal, la plus haute montagne en Afrique du Nord. Ballon à air chaud permet de prendre dans les sites d'un divers paysages – une belles chaînes de montagnes avec des lacs de falaise-pendaison villages, émeraude teintés, et les pâturages de haute altitude.

Il ya beaucoup de possibilités pour magasiner les souks (marchés) et explorez les ruelles de cette ville véritablement romantique. L'ancienne capitale, Marrakech offre le plus grand marché traditionnel au Maroc et à la place la plus fréquenté dans toute l'Afrique. Explorations doivent se faire à pied, à vélo ou calèches dans les ruelles labyrinthiques des anciennes médinas, où épices exotiques flottent à travers bondés devantures étroits, tentant de vous faire quelques achats de négocier sérieusement.

Souks affichent poteries colorées et les tapis et les créations coutumiers des marchandises de l'apothicaire, cosmétiques, herbes, bijoux, cuir, parfums et pantoufles, tous les produits de base traditionnels dans ce pays arabe. Charmeurs de serpents, musiciens, danseurs et jongleurs ligne des souks pour divertir et impressionner les touristes et les habitants du quartier.

Dans un pays plein de belles surprises, il y a de nombreux hôtels de luxe à Marrakech, divers que le paysage au Maroc.

L'Hivernage Hôtel & Spa, situé au cœur de Marrakech, est un magnifique hôtel entouré de jardins luxuriants et une vue imprenable sur les montagnes de l'Atlas. Hauts plafonds, colonnes de marbre et extravagants tissus donnent à cet hôtel son caractère.

Amanjena Resort, qui se traduit par « le paradis paisible » a été construit en 2000 et est le premier de l'Aman Resort sur le continent africain. Connu pour offrir l'exclusivité et l'intimité, ce complexe se trouve dans une oasis de palmiers et d'oliviers matures.

Hôtel La Mamounia a une certaine réputation, dans les années passées, pour mener les dîners majestueux dont hommes vêtus de hauts-de-forme et les queues et les femmes, ornées de bijoux, porte des longues robes de soirée. Actuellement fermé jusqu'en 2007 d'importants travaux de rénovation, cet hôtel est entouré de jardins paisibles près de trois cents ans et est connu comme l'un des hôtels plus grands et les plus exquis du monde.

Marrakech est connue comme la ville rouge, ou en arabe comme Al Medina al-Hamra, à cause de son bâtiment teintée de rose. Avec la vieille ville (Médina) et la métropole moderne, la population est estimée à environ 2 millions.

Riads (maisons urbaines) sont situées autour d'une Cour et le jardin et représentent un lieu d'habitation traditionnel où les résidents ca n trouver la paix de la clameur de la ville. Les habitants sont l'environnement et leur manière exigeante de la vie une source constante d'émerveillement. Hommes shuffle autour dans des manteaux à capuchon et commencent chaque journée avec une exaltante appel à la prière à la mosquée locale.

Il est inévitable de faire partie de cette culture. C'est un honneur de rejoindre une famille à dîner dans un riad privé à manger des tajines délicieux, mijotée d'agneau et pain plat marocain. Boire du thé à la menthe est coutumier, tout comme l'art exotique de la danse du ventre. Manger le couscous, socialisation et simplement imprégner de l'hospitalité fait partie d'une journée typique marocaine.

Venez et voyez ce que ce pays magique peut offrir, des échanges culturels à des expéditions aventureuses et fantastiques couchers de soleil qui affichent un kaléidoscope de couleurs. L'expérience de l'Atlas enneigés jusqu'aux sables du désert sans fin, un pays de contrastes spectaculaires et une hospitalité authentique. La riche histoire et les traditions de cette terre antique d'offrir quelque chose pour tous les goûts. Pour la diversité, il serait difficile d'imaginer une destination plus parfaite que Marrakech.

The Essence Of Marrakech Morocco

Only a few hours from Europe is a place where you will marvel at the sights and sounds of a distant land. Boasting a rich history, exotic adventures, open-air bazaars, and an incredible mix of cultures, Marrakech will inevitably seduce each of your senses in a very poignant way. Along with the spectacular scenery, discerning travelers will be instantly lured by the magic of Marrakech.

For centuries, the land of Morocco has been attracting travelers in search of adventure and exotic opportunities. The city of Marrakech lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains only an hour away, and excursions are adventurous and in traditional Moroccan style: luxury camping in Bedouin tents, a camel journey lead by a nomad guide through the dunes, horseback riding through the Atlas foothills where ancient caravans traversed, or cycling through crumbling 16th century desert kasbahs (ancient parts of a city).

You can visit a traditional Berber village, take a day hike, or trek Mount Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa. Hot air ballooning allows you to take in the sites of a diverse landscapes – a beautiful mountain ranges with cliff-hanging villages, emerald tinted lakes, and high altitude pastures.

There are plenty of opportunities to shop the souks (marketplaces) and explore the alleyways of this genuinely romantic city. An ancient capital, Marrakech offers the largest traditional market in Morocco and the busiest square in all of Africa. Explorations must be done on foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriages in the labyrinthine backstreets of ancient medinas, where exotic spices waft through crowded narrow storefronts tempting you to do some serious bargain shopping.

Souks display colorful pottery and carpets and customary creations of apothecary goods, cosmetics, herbs, jewelry, leather, perfumes, and slippers, all traditional commodities in this Arabic country. Snake charmers, musicians, dancers and jugglers line the souks to entertain and awe tourists and locals alike.

In a land full of wonderful surprises, there are many top luxury hotels in Marrakech, diverse as the landscape in Morocco.

The Hivernage Hotel & Spa, set in the heart of Marrakech, is a magnificent hotel surrounded by lush gardens and stunning views of the Atlas Mountains. High ceilings, marble columns and extravagant fabrics give this hotel its character.

Amanjena Resort, which translates to “peaceful paradise” was built in 2000, and is the first of the Aman Resort on the African continent. Known for offering exclusivity and privacy, this resort is set within an oasis of palms and mature olive trees.

Hotel La Mamounia has quite a reputation, in years past, for conducting stately dinners for which men dressed in top hats and tails and women, adorned with jewels, wore long evening gowns. Currently closed through 2007 for extensive renovations, this hotel is set amid tranquil gardens almost three hundred years old, and is known as one of the world’s grandest and most exquisite hotels.

Marrakech is known as the Red City, or in Arabic as Al Medina al-Hamra, because of its rose tinted building. With the old city (medina) and the modern metropolis, population is estimated to be around two million.

Riads (urban houses) are situated around a courtyard and garden, and represent a traditional dwelling place where residents ca n find peace from the clamor of the city. The locals are friendly, and their demanding way of life a constant source of amazement. Men shuffle around in hooded cloaks and begin each day with an exhilarating call to prayer at the local mosque.

Becoming part of this culture is inevitable. It is an honor to join a family to dine within a private riad to eat delicious, slow-cooked tajines of lamb and flat Moroccan bread. The drinking of mint tea is customary, as is the exotic art of belly dancing. Eating couscous, socializing and simply soaking up the hospitality is part of a typical Moroccan day.

Come and see what this magical country has to offer, from cultural exchanges to adventurous expeditions, and amazing sunsets that display a kaleidoscope of colors. From the snow-capped Atlas Mountains to the endless desert sands, experience a country of dramatic contrasts and a genuine hospitality. The rich history and traditions of this ancient land offer something for every taste. For sheer diversity, it would be hard to imagine a more perfect destination than Marrakech.