Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Casablanca - coeur du Maroc

Sur Casablanca :

Casablanca est la plus grande ville cosmopolite du Maroc et est considérée comme la capitale économique. Une ville étonnante avec la grande architecture et style de vie moderne attire les touristes du monde entier. Casablanca est très célèbre pour le film du même nom sorti en 1942 qui a remporté trois Oscars. Le Maroc est foyer de nombreux résidents Français ou espagnol et en raison de son niveau d'éducation élevé ; enseignants, de techniciens et de retraités plus migrent vers le Maroc. Casablanca est une ville prospère et est un endroit idéal pour les investisseurs américains et pour ceux qui traitent avec les exportations et a le plus grand port artificiel du monde.

Mosquée Hassan II :

Casablanca abrite la troisième plus grande mosquée ; Mosquée Hassan II. C'est la plus grande mosquée au Maroc, conçu par l'architecte Français Michel Pinseau. Cette magnifique mosquée a une capacité d'accueillir de plus 150 000 fidèles et regroupe les plus hauts minarets du monde. Également connu sous le nom mosquée Hassan II, c'est la principale attraction touristique et des milliers de touristes de partout dans le monde réserver leurs vols vers Casablanca, juste pour voir la mosquée.

La Corniche :

À l'ouest de la mosquée de Hassan II, on peut visiter un quartier sur l'océan connu comme The Corniche. Elle est abrite de nombreuses chaînes de Fast-Food Ouest, mais aussi un cinéma de type occidental. On trouve aussi de nombreux cafés avec vue mer, offrant de délicieux desserts cafés et délicieux.

Shopping Heaven :

C'est un endroit idéal pour les amoureux du shopping ; On peut trouver de nombreux articles en cuir, tissus et tous les accessoires fantaisies. Il y a de nombreux points de vente concepteur, qui fournissent des éléments à la mode haut de gamme tels que les chaussures en cuir, des ceintures, des sacs et des chemises. Lunettes de créateurs sont très chics et sont disponibles dans tous les tarifs abordables. Les amateurs d'art peuvent acheter les célèbres poteries du Maroc, qui sont colorés et très attrayant. Maroc est célèbre pour ses olives diverses, beaucoup de magasins se spécialisent uniquement dans la vente d'olives.

Nourriture et hôtels :

Casablanca dispose d'un large éventail de restaurants et d'hôtels, qui comprend, La Cigale, Benis Patisserie, La Corrida, YoSushi et bien d'autres. De cuisine espagnole à délices arabes, les amateurs de cuisine de partout dans le monde profiter les friandises appétissantes de la ville. Il y a une large disponibilité de logements dans la ville. Si l'on cherche un hébergement qui viennent dans leur budget, puis ils doivent archiver dans Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central et Ajiad Casablanca. Voir tous les hôtels somptueux comprend ; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center et Hyatt Regency Casablanca.

Vie nocturne :

Casablanca est assez célèbre pour sa vie nocturne, même si ce n'est pas comme en plein essor - il a des critiques mitigées. Les clubs sont les barres sont pour la plupart surpeuplées avec d'autres hommes et il devient inconfortable pour les femmes. Malgré le fait que la plupart des clubs est dominée par les hommes, les dames (avec quelques recherches) peuvent trouver plusieurs clubs qui ont des endroits fantastiques pour la boisson et de la confiture. Pubs sont des bars comme ceux que La Bodega et Kasbar sont très populaires à Casablanca.

Voyager autour de la ville de Casablanca n'est pas une chose difficile à faire ; On peut louer une voiture ou de voyager sur un bus serait un excellent moyen d'explorer la ville. Casablanca est une destination de vacances très en raison de ses endroits exotiques et les offrandes. Avec l'augmentation du tourisme, les nombreuses compagnies aériennes offrent des vols pas cher vers Casablanca - vacances au Maroc sont tout simplement incroyables.

Casablanca - cuore del Marocco

Circa Casablanca:

Casablanca è la più grande città cosmopolita del Marocco ed è considerata la capitale economica. Una città sorprendente con la grande architettura e stile di vita moderno attira turisti da tutto il mondo. Casablanca è abbastanza famoso per il film omonimo uscito nel 1942 che ha vinto tre Oscar. Il Marocco è domestico a molti residenti francese o spagnolo e a causa del suo livello di alta formazione; gli insegnanti, i tecnici e i pensionati più migrano in Marocco. Casablanca è una città prospera ed è un ottimo posto per gli investitori americani e per coloro che si occupano di esportazioni e ha il più grande porto artificiale del mondo.

Moschea di Hassan II:

Casablanca ospita la terza più grande moschea; Moschea di Hassan II. È la più grande moschea in Marocco, progettato dall'architetto francese Michel Pinseau. Questa magnifica moschea ha una capacità di ospitare oltre 150.000 fedeli e si compone di minareti più alti del mondo. Conosciuto anche come moschea Hassan II è la principale attrazione turistica e migliaia di turisti provenienti da tutto il mondo a prenotare i voli per Casablanca solo per vedere la Moschea.

La Corniche:

Ad ovest della Moschea di Hassan II, si può visitare un quartiere sul mare conosciuto come The Corniche. È sede di molte catene di Fastfood occidentale così come un cinema di occidentale-stile. Si può anche trovare molti caffè vista sull'oceano, che offrono deliziosi caffè e deliziosi dessert.

Paradiso dello shopping:

È un luogo ideale per gli amanti dello shopping; si possono trovare molti articoli di pelletteria, tessuti e tutti gli accessori di fantasia. Ci sono molti designer Outlet, che forniscono su scala oggetti alla moda come le scarpe in pelle, cinture, borse e camicie. Occhiali firmati sono altamente elegante e sono disponibili in tutte le tariffe convenienti. Gli amanti dell'arte possono acquistare potteries famosa del Marocco, che sono colorati e molto attraente. Come Marocco è famoso per le sue olive varie, molti negozi specializzano solo nella vendita delle olive.

Cibo e Alberghi:

Casablanca vanta una vasta gamma di ristoranti e Alberghi, che include, La Cigale, giada pasticceria, La Corrida, YoSushi e molti altri. Dal cibo spagnolo arabo delizie, gli amanti del cibo da tutto il mondo godono le Golose prelibatezze della città. C'è un ampia disponibilità di alloggi in città. Se uno è alla ricerca di sistemazioni che entrano nel loro bilancio quindi devono controllare in Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central e Ajiad Casablanca. Altri sontuosi alberghi comprende; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center e Hyatt Regency Casablanca.

Vita notturna:

Casablanca è abbastanza famoso per la sua vita notturna, anche se non è come in pieno boom - esso ha mescolato recensioni. I club sono bar sono per lo più affollata di uomini e diventa scomodo per le donne. Nonostante il fatto che le squadre sono dominate da uomini, donne (con qualche ricerca) possono trovare diversi club che hanno macchie fantastici per bere e marmellata. Pub sono bar come quelle che La Bodega e Kasbar sono molto popolari a Casablanca.

In giro per la città di Casablanca non è una cosa difficile da fare; si può noleggiare un'auto o viaggiare su un autobus sarebbe un ottimo modo per esplorare la città. Casablanca è una destinazione di vacanza grazie alla sua località esotiche e offerte. Con l'aumento del turismo, numerose compagnie aeree offrono voli economici a Casablanca - vacanze in Marocco sono semplicemente incredibile.

Casablanca - Heart of Morocco

About Casablanca:

Casablanca is Morocco's largest cosmopolitan city and is considered the economic capital. An astonishing city with great architecture and modern lifestyle attracts tourists from all over the world. Casablanca is quite famous for the film of the same name released in 1942 that won three Oscars. Morocco is home to many French or Spanish residents and due to its high education level; teachers, technicians and more retirees migrate to Morocco. Casablanca is a prosperous city and is a great place for American investors and for those who deal with the exports and has the world's largest artificial port.

Hassan II Mosque:

Casablanca houses the third largest mosque; Hassan II Mosque. It is the largest mosque in Morocco designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau. This magnificent mosque has an ability to accommodate over 150,000 worshippers and is composed of world's tallest minarets. Also known as Mosque Hassan II it is the main tourist attraction and thousands of tourists from all over the world book their flights to Casablanca just to see the mosque.

The Corniche:

On the west of Hassan II Mosque, one can visit a neighborhood on the ocean known as The Corniche. It is home to many western fast food chains as well as a western-style movie theater. One can also find many ocean-view cafes, which offer delicious coffee and scrumptious deserts.

Shopping Heaven:

It is a great place for shopping lovers; one can find many leather goods, fabrics and all the fancy accessories. There are many designer outlets, which provide up-scale fashionable items such as leather shoes, belts, bags and shirts. Designer glasses are highly classy and are available in all affordable rates. Art lovers can buy the famous potteries of Morocco, which are colorful and very attractive. As Morocco is famous for its various olives, many shops specialize only in the selling of olives.

Food and hotels:

Casablanca boasts a wide range of restaurants and hotels, which includes, La Cigale, Benis Patisserie, La Corrida, YoSushi and many more. From Spanish food to Arabic delights, food lovers from all over the world enjoy the mouth-watering treats of the city. There is a wide availability of accommodations in the city. If one is looking for accommodations that come in their budget then they must check into Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central and Ajiad Casablanca. Other lavish hotels includes; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center and Hyatt Regency Casablanca.


Casablanca is pretty famous for its nightlife, although it is not as booming - it has mixed reviews. Clubs are bars are mostly crowded with men and it gets uncomfortable for women. Despite the fact that most of the clubs are dominated by men, ladies (with some research) can find several clubs which have fantastic spots to drink and jam. Pubs are bars like those that La Bodega and Kasbar are very popular in Casablanca.

Traveling around the city of Casablanca is not a difficult thing to do; one can hire a car or traveling on a bus would be a great way to explore the city. Casablanca is a great vacation destination due to its exotic locations and offerings. With the increase of tourism, numerous airlines are providing cheap flights to Casablanca - holidays in Morocco are simply incredible.

Casablanca - Heart of Morocco

Casablanca is pretty famous for its nightlife, although it is not as booming - it has mixed reviews. Clubs are bars are mostly crowded with men and it gets uncomfortable for women. Despite the fact that most of the clubs are dominated by men, ladies (with some research) can find several clubs which have fantastic spots to drink and jam. Pubs are bars like those that La Bodega and Kasbar are very popular in Casablanca.

Casablanca is Morocco's largest cosmopolitan city and is considered the economic capital.

Traveling around the city of Casablanca is not a difficult thing to do; one can hire a car or traveling on a bus would be a great way to explore the city. Casablanca is a great vacation destination due to its exotic locations and offerings. With the increase of tourism, numerous airlines are providing cheap flights to Casablanca - holidays in Morocco are simply incredible.

 An astonishing city with great architecture and modern lifestyle attracts tourists from all over the world. Casablanca is quite famous for the film of the same name released in 1942 that won three Oscars. Morocco is home to many French or Spanish residents and due to its high education level; teachers, technicians and more retirees migrate to Morocco. Casablanca is a prosperous city and is a great place for American investors and for those who deal with the exports and has the world's largest artificial port.

Hassan II Mosque:

Casablanca houses the third largest mosque; Hassan II Mosque. It is the largest mosque in Morocco designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau. This magnificent mosque has an ability to accommodate over 150,000 worshippers and is composed of world's tallest minarets. Also known as Mosque Hassan II it is the main tourist attraction and thousands of tourists from all over the world book their flights to Casablanca just to see the mosque.

The Corniche:

On the west of Hassan II Mosque, one can visit a neighborhood on the ocean known as The Corniche. It is home to many western fast food chains as well as a western-style movie theater. One can also find many ocean-view cafes, which offer delicious coffee and scrumptious deserts.

Shopping Heaven:

It is a great place for shopping lovers; one can find many leather goods, fabrics and all the fancy accessories. There are many designer outlets, which provide up-scale fashionable items such as leather shoes, belts, bags and shirts. Designer glasses are highly classy and are available in all affordable rates. Art lovers can buy the famous potteries of Morocco, which are colorful and very attractive. As Morocco is famous for its various olives, many shops specialize only in the selling of olives.

Food and hotels:

Casablanca boasts a wide range of restaurants and hotels, which includes, La Cigale, Benis Patisserie, La Corrida, YoSushi and many more. From Spanish food to Arabic delights, food lovers from all over the world enjoy the mouth-watering treats of the city. There is a wide availability of accommodations in the city. If one is looking for accommodations that come in their budget then they must check into Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central and Ajiad Casablanca. Other lavish hotels includes; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center and Hyatt Regency Casablanca.

Casablanca - Heart of Morocco

About Casablanca:

Casablanca is Morocco's largest cosmopolitan city and is considered the economic capital. An astonishing city with great architecture and modern lifestyle attracts tourists from all over the world. Casablanca is quite famous for the film of the same name released in 1942 that won three Oscars. Morocco is home to many French or Spanish residents and due to its high education level; teachers, technicians and more retirees migrate to Morocco. Casablanca is a prosperous city and is a great place for American investors and for those who deal with the exports and has the world's largest artificial port.

Hassan II Mosque:

Casablanca houses the third largest mosque; Hassan II Mosque. It is the largest mosque in Morocco designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau. This magnificent mosque has an ability to accommodate over 150,000 worshippers and is composed of world's tallest minarets. Also known as Mosque Hassan II it is the main tourist attraction and thousands of tourists from all over the world book their flights to Casablanca just to see the mosque.

The Corniche:

On the west of Hassan II Mosque, one can visit a neighborhood on the ocean known as The Corniche. It is home to many western fast food chains as well as a western-style movie theater. One can also find many ocean-view cafes, which offer delicious coffee and scrumptious deserts.

Shopping Heaven:

It is a great place for shopping lovers; one can find many leather goods, fabrics and all the fancy accessories. There are many designer outlets, which provide up-scale fashionable items such as leather shoes, belts, bags and shirts. Designer glasses are highly classy and are available in all affordable rates. Art lovers can buy the famous potteries of Morocco, which are colorful and very attractive. As Morocco is famous for its various olives, many shops specialize only in the selling of olives.

Food and hotels:

Casablanca boasts a wide range of restaurants and hotels, which includes, La Cigale, Benis Patisserie, La Corrida, YoSushi and many more. From Spanish food to Arabic delights, food lovers from all over the world enjoy the mouth-watering treats of the city. There is a wide availability of accommodations in the city. If one is looking for accommodations that come in their budget then they must check into Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central and Ajiad Casablanca. Other lavish hotels includes; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center and Hyatt Regency Casablanca.


Casablanca is pretty famous for its nightlife, although it is not as booming - it has mixed reviews. Clubs are bars are mostly crowded with men and it gets uncomfortable for women. Despite the fact that most of the clubs are dominated by men, ladies (with some research) can find several clubs which have fantastic spots to drink and jam. Pubs are bars like those that La Bodega and Kasbar are very popular in Casablanca.

Traveling around the city of Casablanca is not a difficult thing to do; one can hire a car or traveling on a bus would be a great way to explore the city. Casablanca is a great vacation destination due to its exotic locations and offerings. With the increase of tourism, numerous airlines are providing cheap flights to Casablanca - holidays in Morocco are simply incredible.

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