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Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

10 bonnes raisons de visiter le Maroc - vacances et un mode de vie !

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Ce pays nord-africain exotique peuvent être aussi relaxant ou aussi aventureux que vous voulez qu'il soit. Voici comment sortir les meilleurs hôtels de villégiature de luxe du pays, les souks exotiques, montagne, randonnées et safaris, avec 10 bonnes raisons de visiter le Maroc pour aider à planifier vos vacances et d'autres recherches et astuces du désert.

Plages :

Faites votre choix parmi un large choix de plages sur l'Atlantique et la Méditerranée du Maroc côtes. Opter pour des stations balnéaires populaires tels que Agadir ou endroits calmes comme Asilah et Oualidia.

Villes :

Villes impériales du Maroc éblouiront avec les anciens palais, médinas et marchés animés. Haut de la page options incluent Marrakech, Fès et Rabat.

Riads :

Obtenez un avant-goût de l'hospitalité marocaine typique avec un séjour dans un riad, qui est habituellement un palais ou une maison de Cour grand qui a été transformée en un boutique hôtel de luxe ou chambre d'hôtes.

Désert :

La tête dans le Sahara sur un chameau excursion trek ou quatre roues motrices. Réservez une excursion d'une journée ou séjour dans une tente bédouine.

Montagnes :

Peu importe où vous choisissez de rester au Maroc, les montagnes vous attendent. La gamme Atlas traverse le centre du pays, tandis que les montagnes du Rif balayer jusqu'à la côte Nord.

Nourriture :

Une appétissante cuisine marocaine devra vous demander plus. Essayez le tajine, un ragoût subtilement parfumée à l'aide d'agneau, de poulet ou de poisson. Les plats couscous sont aussi très populaires. Laver vers le bas avec vin, bière ou thé à la menthe rafraîchissant.

Shopping :

Se perdre dans les souks de Casablanca, Tanger et autres villes, comme vous le troc pour céramique à motif de couleurs vives, maroquinerie, paniers, tapis et bijoux.

Spas :

Réduire progressivement dans les hammams traditionnels trouvés dans les villes dans tout le pays. Hôtels dans les stations balnéaires comme Essaouira ont des spas modernes offrant une grande variété de traitements.

Histoire :

Les villes impériales comme Tétouan vanter des médinas anciennes qui ont à peine changé en des milliers d'années. Dirigez-vous vers le désert et vous verrez des kasbahs spectaculaire construit dans les murs de la falaise.

Festivals :

Musique, danse et des traditions arabes comme le conte et l'équitation sont à l'avant-plan des moussems du Maroc, organisées dans tout le pays et en intégrant une foire et une célébration religieuse. Les premiers choix incluent le moussem rose à Kelaat M'Gouna près de Ouarzazate et le festival date à Erfoud en bordure du désert.

Vacances au Maroc est pleine de l'excitation. Que vous choisissiez de séjourner dans un hôtel somptueux au Maroc, ou de dormir sous les étoiles dans un village berbère, il y a une ambiance mystique et magique, où vous emportez incroyables souvenirs des charmeurs de serpent et des trains chameau kasbahs et minarets.

Penny Church, écrit pour la destination de vacances sur la carte et le trouveur de vol Travelwhere. Avec Travelwhere, vous pouvez trouver des vols discount vers le Maroc avec une mine de renseignements supplémentaires, y compris les brochures de vacances de paquet des tours-opérateurs spécialisés au Maroc.

10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

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This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.


Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.

10 motivi per visitare il Marocco - una vacanza e uno stile di vita!

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Questo paese nordafricano esotico può essere rilassante o come avventuroso come volete che sia. Ecco come ottenere il meglio da Hotel resort di lusso del paese, esotici Souk, montagna trekking e Safari, con 10 punte e le ragioni per visitare il Marocco per iniziare a pianificare la vostra vacanza e ulteriori richerche nel deserto.


Potrete scegliere tra una vasta scelta di spiagge del Marocco Atlantico e Mediterraneo litorali. Optare per località rinomate, quali Agadir o luoghi tranquilli come Asilah e Oualidia.


Città imperiali del Marocco dazzle con vecchi palazzi, Medine e vivaci mercati. Le migliori opzioni includono Marrakech, Fes e Rabat.


Avere un assaggio della tipica ospitalità marocchina con un soggiorno presso un riad, che di solito è un palazzo o casa grande cortile che è stata trasformata in un boutique hotel di lusso o un bed and breakfast.


Testa nel Sahara su un cammello escursione trekking o trazione integrale. Prenotare una gita in giornata o rimanere in una tenda beduina.


Non importa dove si sceglie di soggiornare in Marocco, le montagne invitano. La gamma Atlas corre attraverso il centro del paese, mentre le montagne del Rif spazzare verso la costa nord.


Appetitosi piatti della cucina marocchina avrà per chiedere di più. Provare il tajine, uno stufato aromatizzato sottilmente usando agnello, pollo o pesce. Cuscus piatti sono inoltre popolari. Lavare con vino, birra o tè alla menta rinfrescante.

Lo shopping:

Perdersi nei souks di Casablanca, Tangeri e altre città e come baratto per ceramica con motivi vivaci, pelletteria, cesti, tappeti e gioielli.

Centri termali:

Vento tradizionali bagni di vapore, trovati nelle città in tutto il paese. Alberghi di lusso in località come Essaouira hanno moderna Spa che offre una vasta gamma di trattamenti.


Città imperiale come Tetouan vantano medine antichi che hanno appena cambiato in migliaia di anni. Andate verso il deserto e vedrai spettacolari Kasbah costruita nelle pareti di scogliera.


Musica, danza e tradizioni arabe come narrazione e passeggiate a cavallo sono alla ribalta del moussem del Marocco, ha tenuto in tutto il paese e che incorporano una fiera e una celebrazione religiosa. Prime scelte includono il moussem rosa presso Kelaat M'Gouna vicino a Ouarzazate e il festival di data a Erfoud ai margini del deserto.

Una vacanza in Marocco è piena di emozioni. Se si sceglie di soggiornare in un hotel sontuoso in Marocco, o dormire sotto le stelle in un remoto villaggio berbero, c'è un'atmosfera di misticismo e magia, dove si prende via incredibili ricordi di incantatori di serpenti e cammelli treni per Kasbah e minareti.

Penny Church, scrive per la destinazione di vacanza basata sulla mappa e trova volo Travelwhere. Con Travelwhere, potete trovare voli sconto in Marocco insieme a una ricchezza di informazioni - tra cui la brochure vacanze pacchetto specialista tour operator in Marocco.

10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.

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Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.

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10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

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This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.


Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.