Showing posts with label Reasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reasons. Show all posts

10 bonnes raisons de visiter le Maroc - vacances et un mode de vie !

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Ce pays nord-africain exotique peuvent être aussi relaxant ou aussi aventureux que vous voulez qu'il soit. Voici comment sortir les meilleurs hôtels de villégiature de luxe du pays, les souks exotiques, montagne, randonnées et safaris, avec 10 bonnes raisons de visiter le Maroc pour aider à planifier vos vacances et d'autres recherches et astuces du désert.

Plages :

Faites votre choix parmi un large choix de plages sur l'Atlantique et la Méditerranée du Maroc côtes. Opter pour des stations balnéaires populaires tels que Agadir ou endroits calmes comme Asilah et Oualidia.

Villes :

Villes impériales du Maroc éblouiront avec les anciens palais, médinas et marchés animés. Haut de la page options incluent Marrakech, Fès et Rabat.

Riads :

Obtenez un avant-goût de l'hospitalité marocaine typique avec un séjour dans un riad, qui est habituellement un palais ou une maison de Cour grand qui a été transformée en un boutique hôtel de luxe ou chambre d'hôtes.

Désert :

La tête dans le Sahara sur un chameau excursion trek ou quatre roues motrices. Réservez une excursion d'une journée ou séjour dans une tente bédouine.

Montagnes :

Peu importe où vous choisissez de rester au Maroc, les montagnes vous attendent. La gamme Atlas traverse le centre du pays, tandis que les montagnes du Rif balayer jusqu'à la côte Nord.

Nourriture :

Une appétissante cuisine marocaine devra vous demander plus. Essayez le tajine, un ragoût subtilement parfumée à l'aide d'agneau, de poulet ou de poisson. Les plats couscous sont aussi très populaires. Laver vers le bas avec vin, bière ou thé à la menthe rafraîchissant.

Shopping :

Se perdre dans les souks de Casablanca, Tanger et autres villes, comme vous le troc pour céramique à motif de couleurs vives, maroquinerie, paniers, tapis et bijoux.

Spas :

Réduire progressivement dans les hammams traditionnels trouvés dans les villes dans tout le pays. Hôtels dans les stations balnéaires comme Essaouira ont des spas modernes offrant une grande variété de traitements.

Histoire :

Les villes impériales comme Tétouan vanter des médinas anciennes qui ont à peine changé en des milliers d'années. Dirigez-vous vers le désert et vous verrez des kasbahs spectaculaire construit dans les murs de la falaise.

Festivals :

Musique, danse et des traditions arabes comme le conte et l'équitation sont à l'avant-plan des moussems du Maroc, organisées dans tout le pays et en intégrant une foire et une célébration religieuse. Les premiers choix incluent le moussem rose à Kelaat M'Gouna près de Ouarzazate et le festival date à Erfoud en bordure du désert.

Vacances au Maroc est pleine de l'excitation. Que vous choisissiez de séjourner dans un hôtel somptueux au Maroc, ou de dormir sous les étoiles dans un village berbère, il y a une ambiance mystique et magique, où vous emportez incroyables souvenirs des charmeurs de serpent et des trains chameau kasbahs et minarets.

Penny Church, écrit pour la destination de vacances sur la carte et le trouveur de vol Travelwhere. Avec Travelwhere, vous pouvez trouver des vols discount vers le Maroc avec une mine de renseignements supplémentaires, y compris les brochures de vacances de paquet des tours-opérateurs spécialisés au Maroc.

10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

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This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.


Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.

10 motivi per visitare il Marocco - una vacanza e uno stile di vita!

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Questo paese nordafricano esotico può essere rilassante o come avventuroso come volete che sia. Ecco come ottenere il meglio da Hotel resort di lusso del paese, esotici Souk, montagna trekking e Safari, con 10 punte e le ragioni per visitare il Marocco per iniziare a pianificare la vostra vacanza e ulteriori richerche nel deserto.


Potrete scegliere tra una vasta scelta di spiagge del Marocco Atlantico e Mediterraneo litorali. Optare per località rinomate, quali Agadir o luoghi tranquilli come Asilah e Oualidia.


Città imperiali del Marocco dazzle con vecchi palazzi, Medine e vivaci mercati. Le migliori opzioni includono Marrakech, Fes e Rabat.


Avere un assaggio della tipica ospitalità marocchina con un soggiorno presso un riad, che di solito è un palazzo o casa grande cortile che è stata trasformata in un boutique hotel di lusso o un bed and breakfast.


Testa nel Sahara su un cammello escursione trekking o trazione integrale. Prenotare una gita in giornata o rimanere in una tenda beduina.


Non importa dove si sceglie di soggiornare in Marocco, le montagne invitano. La gamma Atlas corre attraverso il centro del paese, mentre le montagne del Rif spazzare verso la costa nord.


Appetitosi piatti della cucina marocchina avrà per chiedere di più. Provare il tajine, uno stufato aromatizzato sottilmente usando agnello, pollo o pesce. Cuscus piatti sono inoltre popolari. Lavare con vino, birra o tè alla menta rinfrescante.

Lo shopping:

Perdersi nei souks di Casablanca, Tangeri e altre città e come baratto per ceramica con motivi vivaci, pelletteria, cesti, tappeti e gioielli.

Centri termali:

Vento tradizionali bagni di vapore, trovati nelle città in tutto il paese. Alberghi di lusso in località come Essaouira hanno moderna Spa che offre una vasta gamma di trattamenti.


Città imperiale come Tetouan vantano medine antichi che hanno appena cambiato in migliaia di anni. Andate verso il deserto e vedrai spettacolari Kasbah costruita nelle pareti di scogliera.


Musica, danza e tradizioni arabe come narrazione e passeggiate a cavallo sono alla ribalta del moussem del Marocco, ha tenuto in tutto il paese e che incorporano una fiera e una celebrazione religiosa. Prime scelte includono il moussem rosa presso Kelaat M'Gouna vicino a Ouarzazate e il festival di data a Erfoud ai margini del deserto.

Una vacanza in Marocco è piena di emozioni. Se si sceglie di soggiornare in un hotel sontuoso in Marocco, o dormire sotto le stelle in un remoto villaggio berbero, c'è un'atmosfera di misticismo e magia, dove si prende via incredibili ricordi di incantatori di serpenti e cammelli treni per Kasbah e minareti.

Penny Church, scrive per la destinazione di vacanza basata sulla mappa e trova volo Travelwhere. Con Travelwhere, potete trovare voli sconto in Marocco insieme a una ricchezza di informazioni - tra cui la brochure vacanze pacchetto specialista tour operator in Marocco.

10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.

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Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.

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10 Reasons to Visit Morocco - A Holiday and a Lifestyle!

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This exotic North African country can be as relaxing or as adventurous as you want it to be. Here is how to get the best out of the country's luxury resort hotels, exotic souks, mountain treks and desert safaris, with 10 tips and reasons to visit Morocco to help start your holiday planning and further research.


Take your pick from a wide choice of beaches on Morocco's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Opt for popular resorts such as Agadir or quiet spots such as Asilah and Oualidia.


Morocco's imperial cities dazzle with old palaces, medinas and bustling markets. Top options include Marrakech, Fes and Rabat.


Get a taste of typical Moroccan hospitality with a stay at a riad, which is usually a palace or grand courtyard home that has been turned into a luxury boutique hotel or bed and breakfast.


Head into the Sahara on a camel trek or four-wheel drive excursion. Book a day trip or stay in a Bedouin tent.


No matter where you choose to stay in Morocco, the mountains beckon. The Atlas range runs through the middle of the country, while the Rif Mountains sweep down to the north coast.


Mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine will have you asking for more. Try tajine, a subtly-flavoured stew using lamb, chicken or fish. Couscous dishes are also popular. Wash them down with wine, beer or refreshing mint tea.


Get lost in the souks of Casablanca, Tangier and other towns and cities as you barter for brightly-patterned ceramics, leather goods, baskets, carpets and jewellery.


Wind down in traditional steam baths found in towns and cities throughout the country. Luxury hotels in resorts such as Essaouira have modern spas offering a wide variety of treatments.


Imperial cities such as Tetouan boast ancient medinas that have hardly changed in thousands of years. Head towards the desert and you'll see spectacular kasbahs built into cliff walls.


Music, dance and Arab traditions such as storytelling and horse riding are at the fore of Morocco's moussems, held throughout the country and incorporating a fair and a religious celebration. Top picks include the rose moussem at Kelaat M'Gouna near Ouarzazate and the date festival at Erfoud on the edge of the desert.

A holiday in Morocco is full of excitement. Whether you choose to stay in a sumptuous city hotel in Morocco, or sleep under the stars in a remote Berber village, there's an atmosphere of mystique and magic, where you will take away amazing memories of snake charmers and camel trains to kasbahs and minarets.

Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Travelwhere, you can find discount flights to Morocco along with a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Morocco.

8 ragioni per innamorarsi di Marrakech viaggi

Appena sotto l'alta catena montuosa dell'Atlante africano è il rosso città del Marocco, conosciuta come Marrakech. Con una cultura che è cresciuto fino a essere così vivace, libero e puro, che avrebbe saputo che questa città imperiale solo iniziato come un altro pit-stop per roulotte medievale? Tuttavia, indipendentemente dalle sue umili origini, si potrai ancora essere tenuti dal suo incantesimo magico con il calore della sua gente, storia ispirata e tradizione colorato. In piedi in mezzo alle mura della città rossa, saprete di sicuro che siete dentro per una fuga senza tempo con un viaggio a Marrakech. Ma per rendere al meglio il vostro viaggio a questa destinazione esotica affascinante, ecco i primi otto cose che non dovrebbe osare perdere sul tuo viaggio a Marrakech:

1. rivivere i ricordi della città vecchia.

Le mura del XIII secolo che circondano la medina è rievocativo di antiche lotte e battaglie che hanno avuto luogo in Marocco. Un giro intorno le fortezze secolari, cancelli e concerie nel tuo viaggio a Marrakech è una buona opportunità di foto per i turisti. Non solo, potrai anche godere lo spirito accogliente della città moderna in mezzo le reliquie ben conservati, meraviglie naturali e pezzi architettonici del passato. Con gente amichevole e vivace attività dietro l'angolo, potrai godere di ogni minuto di questa esperienza.

2. get perso con la folla a Djemaa el Fna.

Questa grande piazza che si trova nel cuore della città vecchia è brulicante di troppi spettacoli e sorprese. Dall'affare shopping al serpente di charme, non avrai mai un momento di noia nel tuo viaggio a Marrakech. Aprire gli occhi a un sacco di cose, che comprendono giocoleria atti, spettacoli musicali, come pure la danza del ventre. Non devi preoccuparti di perdere il vostro senso al vostro hotel. Come la stragrande maggioranza sono grandi come può essere, la piazza offre una fuga tortuosa a interessanti siti intorno alla città.

3. prendere un ritiro spirituale.

Dicono che una visita a popolari sentieri delle moschee, chiese, e altri luoghi di culto è una meravigliosa esperienza di viaggio di Marrakech che può essere sconvolgente. Tuttavia, per coloro che desiderano solo a soddisfare la loro curiosità, il tempo è ben speso in ammirando alcuni dei disegni architettonici più squisiti del mondo. Sarete storditi come Marrakech è stato in grado di preservare i dettagli intricati e costruito stile di queste strutture, ma molto di più, come ha conservato la sua solennità. Il famoso pellegrinaggio delle "sette santi" si trova anche in questa città, mentre le tombe di Saadian è altamente raccomandato da molte guide turistiche.

4. shop ed esplorare il meglio.

Bancarelle popolare conosciuto anche come "souk" offrono il meglio trattano per bargain shopping. Il Bazar è solitamente piena di reperti esotici quali opere metalliche, pezzi di legno, cesti e cuoio sets– alcune delle quali, si trovano solo in Marocco. Si sarà anche essere avvisati di non terminare il tuo viaggio a Marrakech senza una cintura, gioielli, tappeti o qualsiasi forma di abbigliamento che si trovano nel souk.

5. prendere un viaggio nel passato.

Marrakech è uno dei posti migliori per trovare tessuti, dipinti, mosaico, gioielli e ceramiche antiche. Suoi musei casa prestigiosi manufatti che risalgono al più di un migliaio di anni. Manoscritti, arti contemporanee e abiti tradizionali sono tra la collezione ben conservata. Si può anche prendere nota nella tua esperienza di viaggio Marrakech musei qui non solo mattoni e Malta strutture ma anche sono ornati con giardini verdeggianti.

6. soggiornare nel lussuoso Riad a Marrakech.

Tua esperienza di viaggio Marrakech non sarà completa senza soggiornare nel famoso Riad della città. Queste sono strutture residenziali che top qualsiasi hotel 5 stelle in città moderne. Con camere di lusso, che domina la vista della fontana, le migliori terrazze sul tetto e squisite decorazioni, Riad sono uno dei migliori motivi per soggiornare a Marrakech.

7. esperienza variopinta tradizione del Marocco.

Abbracciare la cultura marocchina attraverso attività di intrattenimento e feste a Marrakech. Il Festival delle arti popolari è un buon modo per aggiungere più vita alle vostre avventure di viaggio di Marrakech. Hanno un grande momento con cartomanti, fuoco mangiaspade e agendo troupes nel culmine di questa festa. Oltre a spettacoli di Carnevale, tu potrai assistere anche la parata di cavallo nota come Fantasia.

8. concedetevi divertenti attività.

Flussi popolari del casinò, discoteche e bar si trovano in città. Ma ricordate, bevande alcoliche non sono ammessi. Le probabilità sono, dovrete rimanere sobrio tutta la notte. Oltre a godere successi occidentali e marocchina musica pop, la vostra avventura di viaggio Marrakech non può mai essere completa senza provare un assaggio del suo paradiso gastronomico. La maggior parte dei bar e ristoranti a Marrakech offrono una fusione di sapori da casa ricette coltivati a piatti internazionali.

8 redenen To Fall In Love met Marrakech reizen

Just beneath the high mountain range of the African Atlas is the red city of Morocco known as Marrakech. With a culture that has grown to be so vibrant, free, and pure, who would have known that this imperial city only started as another pit stop for medieval caravans? However, regardless of its humble beginnings, you’ll still be bound by its magic spell with the warmth of its people, inspiring history, and colorful tradition. Standing in the middle of the red city walls, you’ll know for sure that you’re in for a timeless escape with Marrakech travel. But to make the most out of your journey to this spellbinding exotic destination, here are the top eight things you shouldn’t dare miss on your Marrakech travel:

1. Relive the memories of the old city.

The 13th century walls that surround the medina is reminiscent of ancient struggles and battles that took place in Morocco. A tour around the age-old fortresses, gates, and tanneries in your Marrakech travel is a good photo opportunity for tourists. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy the inviting spirit of the modern city amidst the well-preserved relics, natural wonders, and architectural pieces of the past. With friendly people and bustling activities around the corner, you’ll enjoy every minute of this experience.

2. Get lost with the crowd at Djemaa el Fna.

This large square that lies at heart of the old city is teeming with too many spectacles and surprises. From bargain shopping to snake charming, you’ll never have a dull moment in your Marrakech travel. Open your eyes to a lot of things, which include juggling acts, musical performances, as well as belly dancing. You don’t even have to worry about losing your way back to your hotel. As overwhelmingly large as it can be, the square offers a winding escape to interesting sites around the city.

3. Take a spiritual retreat.

They say that paying a visit to popular trails of mosques, churches, and other places of worship is a wonderful Marrakech travel experience that can be life-altering. However, for those who only wish to satisfy their curiosities, time is well-spent in admiring some of the most exquisite architectural designs in the world. You’ll be stunned how Marrakech was able to preserve the intricate details and premedieval style of these structures but much more, how it preserved its solemnity. The famous pilgrimage for the “seven saints” is also found in this city, while the Saadian tombs is highly recommended by most tourist guides.

4. Shop and explore its very best.

Popular market stands also known as “souks” offer the best treat for bargain shopping. The bazaar is usually filled with exotic finds such as metal works, wood pieces, baskets, and leather sets– some of which, you’ll only find in Morocco. You’ll also be advised not to end your Marrakech travel without a belt, jewelry, carpet, or any form of clothing that are found in the souk.

5. Take a journey to the past.

Marrakech is one of the best places to find age-old ceramics, paintings, mosaic, jewelries, and fabrics. Its museums house prestigious artifacts that date back to more than a thousand years. Manuscripts, contemporary arts, and traditional clothing are among the well-preserved collection. You may also take note in your Marrakech travel experience that museums here are not just brick-and-mortar structures but are also adorned with verdant gardens.

6. Stay in luxurious Riads in Marrakech.

Your Marrakech travel experience will not be complete without staying in the city’s famous Riads. These are residential facilities that top any 5-star hotel in modern cities. With luxurious rooms, overlooking views of the fountain, roof top terraces, and exquisite decorations, Riads are one of the best reasons to stay in Marrakech.

7. Experience the colorful tradition of Morocco.

Embrace the Moroccan culture through entertainment activities and festivals in Marrakech. The Popular Arts Festival is a good way to add more life to your Marrakech travel adventures. Have a great time with fortune-tellers, fire swallowers, and acting troupes in the culmination of this festivity. Apart from carnival spectacles, you’ll also witness the horse-riding parade known as Fantasia.

8. Treat yourself to fun-filled activities.

Popular streams of casinos, discos, and bars are found in the city. But remember, alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Chances are, you’ll have to stay sober all night. Apart from enjoying Western hits and Moroccan pop music, your Marrakech travel adventure can never be complete without experiencing a taste of its gourmet paradise. Most cafes and restaurants in Marrakech offer a fusion of flavors from home grown recipes to international dishes.

8 Reasons To Fall In Love With Marrakech Travel

Just beneath the high mountain range of the African Atlas is the red city of Morocco known as Marrakech. With a culture that has grown to be so vibrant, free, and pure, who would have known that this imperial city only started as another pit stop for medieval caravans? However, regardless of its humble beginnings, you’ll still be bound by its magic spell with the warmth of its people, inspiring history, and colorful tradition. Standing in the middle of the red city walls, you’ll know for sure that you’re in for a timeless escape with Marrakech travel. But to make the most out of your journey to this spellbinding exotic destination, here are the top eight things you shouldn’t dare miss on your Marrakech travel:

1. Relive the memories of the old city.

The 13th century walls that surround the medina is reminiscent of ancient struggles and battles that took place in Morocco. A tour around the age-old fortresses, gates, and tanneries in your Marrakech travel is a good photo opportunity for tourists. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy the inviting spirit of the modern city amidst the well-preserved relics, natural wonders, and architectural pieces of the past. With friendly people and bustling activities around the corner, you’ll enjoy every minute of this experience.

2. Get lost with the crowd at Djemaa el Fna.

This large square that lies at heart of the old city is teeming with too many spectacles and surprises. From bargain shopping to snake charming, you’ll never have a dull moment in your Marrakech travel. Open your eyes to a lot of things, which include juggling acts, musical performances, as well as belly dancing. You don’t even have to worry about losing your way back to your hotel. As overwhelmingly large as it can be, the square offers a winding escape to interesting sites around the city.

3. Take a spiritual retreat.

They say that paying a visit to popular trails of mosques, churches, and other places of worship is a wonderful Marrakech travel experience that can be life-altering. However, for those who only wish to satisfy their curiosities, time is well-spent in admiring some of the most exquisite architectural designs in the world. You’ll be stunned how Marrakech was able to preserve the intricate details and premedieval style of these structures but much more, how it preserved its solemnity. The famous pilgrimage for the “seven saints” is also found in this city, while the Saadian tombs is highly recommended by most tourist guides.

4. Shop and explore its very best.

Popular market stands also known as “souks” offer the best treat for bargain shopping. The bazaar is usually filled with exotic finds such as metal works, wood pieces, baskets, and leather sets– some of which, you’ll only find in Morocco. You’ll also be advised not to end your Marrakech travel without a belt, jewelry, carpet, or any form of clothing that are found in the souk.

5. Take a journey to the past.

Marrakech is one of the best places to find age-old ceramics, paintings, mosaic, jewelries, and fabrics. Its museums house prestigious artifacts that date back to more than a thousand years. Manuscripts, contemporary arts, and traditional clothing are among the well-preserved collection. You may also take note in your Marrakech travel experience that museums here are not just brick-and-mortar structures but are also adorned with verdant gardens.

6. Stay in luxurious Riads in Marrakech.

Your Marrakech travel experience will not be complete without staying in the city’s famous Riads. These are residential facilities that top any 5-star hotel in modern cities. With luxurious rooms, overlooking views of the fountain, roof top terraces, and exquisite decorations, Riads are one of the best reasons to stay in Marrakech.

7. Experience the colorful tradition of Morocco.

Embrace the Moroccan culture through entertainment activities and festivals in Marrakech. The Popular Arts Festival is a good way to add more life to your Marrakech travel adventures. Have a great time with fortune-tellers, fire swallowers, and acting troupes in the culmination of this festivity. Apart from carnival spectacles, you’ll also witness the horse-riding parade known as Fantasia.

8. Treat yourself to fun-filled activities.

Popular streams of casinos, discos, and bars are found in the city. But remember, alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Chances are, you’ll have to stay sober all night. Apart from enjoying Western hits and Moroccan pop music, your Marrakech travel adventure can never be complete without experiencing a taste of its gourmet paradise. Most cafes and restaurants in Marrakech offer a fusion of flavors from home grown recipes to international dishes.

8 raisons To Fall In Love avec Marrakech voyage

Juste en dessous de la haute chaîne de montagnes de l'Atlas africain est la ville rouge du Maroc, connu comme Marrakech. Avec une culture qui a grandi pour devenir tellement vivante, libre et pur, qui aurait su que cette ville impériale n'a commencé comme un autre arrêt au stand pour caravanes médiévales ? Cependant, indépendamment de ses humbles débuts, vous aurez toujours liés par sa formule magique avec la chaleur de ses gens, histoire inspirante et tradition colorée. Debout au milieu des murs de la ville rouge, vous saurez à coup sûr que vous êtes dedans pour une évasion intemporelle avec Voyage Marrakech. Mais pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre voyage vers cette destination exotique envoûtante, voici le top huit choses que vous ne devriez pas oser manquer sur votre voyage à Marrakech :

1. revivre les souvenirs de la vieille ville.

Les murs du 13ème siècle qui entourent la médina est réminiscent des anciennes luttes et les combats qui ont eu lieu au Maroc. Un tour autour des forteresses séculaires, gates et tanneries dans votre voyage Marrakech est une bonne occasion de photo pour les touristes. Non seulement que, vous apprécierez également l'esprit accueillant de la ville moderne au milieu des vestiges bien préservés, merveilles naturelles et pièces d'architecture du passé. Avec des gens sympathiques et activités animées autour du coin, vous pourrez profiter de chaque minute de cette expérience.

2. Obtenez perdu avec la foule à Djemaa el Fna.

Ce grand carré qui se trouve au cœur de la vieille ville regorge de trop de spectacles et de surprises. De bonne affaire shopping au serpent de charme, vous aurez jamais un moment d'ennui dans votre voyage Marrakech. Ouvrir les yeux sur beaucoup de choses, incluent la jonglerie actes, spectacles musicaux, ainsi que de danse du ventre. Vous n'avez même pas à vous soucier de perdre votre chemin de retour à votre hôtel. Aussi massivement grande que possible, la place offre une évasion sinueuse vers des sites intéressants autour de la ville.

3. prendre une retraite spirituelle.

Ils disent que payer une visite aux sentiers populaires de mosquées, églises, et autres lieux de culte est une merveilleuse expérience de voyage Marrakech qui peut être qui change la vie. Cependant, pour ceux qui souhaitent seulement à satisfaire leur curiosité, le temps est bien passé en admirer quelques-uns des plus exquis dessins architectes dans le monde. Vous serez stupéfait comment Marrakech a su préserver les détails complexes et le style premedieval de ces structures, mais bien plus encore, comment il a maintenu sa solennité. Le pèlerinage célèbre pour « les sept saints » se trouve également dans cette ville, tandis que les tombeaux Saadiens est hautement recommandé par la plupart des guides touristiques.

4. magasinez et explorer son meilleur.

Stands marché populaire, également connu sous le nom « souks » offrent le meilleur traitent pour le shopping de la bonne affaire. Le bazar est généralement rempli de trouvailles exotiques tels que les métaux ouvrés, morceaux de bois, paniers et cuir sets– dont certains, vous ne trouverez pas au Maroc. Vous serez également informé ne pas à la fin de votre voyage Marrakech sans une ceinture, bijoux, tapis ou toute forme de vêtements qui se trouvent dans le souk.

5. faire un voyage dans le passé.

Marrakech est l'un des meilleurs endroits pour trouver des tissus, peintures, mosaïques, bijoux et céramiques anciennes. Ses musées abritent des artefacts prestigieux datant de plus de mille ans. Manuscrits, d'art contemporain et les vêtements traditionnels sont parmi la collection bien préservée. Vous pouvez également prendre note dans votre expérience de voyage Marrakech musées ici ne sont pas des structures tout brique et de mortier, mais sont également ornées de jardins verdoyants.

6. rester dans le luxueux Riads à Marrakech.

Votre expérience de voyage Marrakech ne sera pas complète sans rester dans les fameux Riads de la ville. Ce sont des établissements résidentiels qui top 5 étoiles hôtels dans les villes modernes. Avec des chambres luxueuses, donnant sur une vue sur la fontaine, toits en terrasse supérieure et décorations exquises, Riads sont l'une des meilleures raisons de rester à Marrakech.

7. expérience la tradition colorée du Maroc.

Embrasser la culture marocaine à travers des activités d'animation et de festivals à Marrakech. Le Festival des Arts populaires est un bon moyen d'ajouter plus de vie à vos aventures de voyage Marrakech. Passer un bon moment avec les diseurs de bonne aventure, avaleurs de feu et agissant de troupes dans l'aboutissement de cette fête. Mis à part les spectacles carnaval, vous serez également témoin la parade de l'équitation dite de Fantasia.

8. Offrez-vous des activités amusantes.

Flux populaires des casinos, discothèques et bars sont trouvent dans la ville. Mais n'oubliez pas, les boissons alcoolisées ne sont pas autorisés. Les chances sont, vous devrez rester sobre toute la nuit. Mis à part profiter hits occidentaux et musique pop marocaine, votre aventure de voyage Marrakech ne peut jamais être complète sans éprouver un avant-goût de son paradis gourmand. La plupart des cafés et des restaurants à Marrakech offrent une fusion de saveurs de recettes cultivés maison aux plats internationaux.

8 Reasons To Fall In Love With Marrakech Travel

Just beneath the high mountain range of the African Atlas is the red city of Morocco known as Marrakech. With a culture that has grown to be so vibrant, free, and pure, who would have known that this imperial city only started as another pit stop for medieval caravans? However, regardless of its humble beginnings, you’ll still be bound by its magic spell with the warmth of its people, inspiring history, and colorful tradition. Standing in the middle of the red city walls, you’ll know for sure that you’re in for a timeless escape with Marrakech travel. But to make the most out of your journey to this spellbinding exotic destination, here are the top eight things you shouldn’t dare miss on your Marrakech travel:

1. Relive the memories of the old city.

The 13th century walls that surround the medina is reminiscent of ancient struggles and battles that took place in Morocco. A tour around the age-old fortresses, gates, and tanneries in your Marrakech travel is a good photo opportunity for tourists. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy the inviting spirit of the modern city amidst the well-preserved relics, natural wonders, and architectural pieces of the past. With friendly people and bustling activities around the corner, you’ll enjoy every minute of this experience.

2. Get lost with the crowd at Djemaa el Fna.

This large square that lies at heart of the old city is teeming with too many spectacles and surprises. From bargain shopping to snake charming, you’ll never have a dull moment in your Marrakech travel. Open your eyes to a lot of things, which include juggling acts, musical performances, as well as belly dancing. You don’t even have to worry about losing your way back to your hotel. As overwhelmingly large as it can be, the square offers a winding escape to interesting sites around the city.

3. Take a spiritual retreat.

They say that paying a visit to popular trails of mosques, churches, and other places of worship is a wonderful Marrakech travel experience that can be life-altering. However, for those who only wish to satisfy their curiosities, time is well-spent in admiring some of the most exquisite architectural designs in the world. You’ll be stunned how Marrakech was able to preserve the intricate details and premedieval style of these structures but much more, how it preserved its solemnity. The famous pilgrimage for the “seven saints” is also found in this city, while the Saadian tombs is highly recommended by most tourist guides.

4. Shop and explore its very best.

Popular market stands also known as “souks” offer the best treat for bargain shopping. The bazaar is usually filled with exotic finds such as metal works, wood pieces, baskets, and leather sets– some of which, you’ll only find in Morocco. You’ll also be advised not to end your Marrakech travel without a belt, jewelry, carpet, or any form of clothing that are found in the souk.

5. Take a journey to the past.

Marrakech is one of the best places to find age-old ceramics, paintings, mosaic, jewelries, and fabrics. Its museums house prestigious artifacts that date back to more than a thousand years. Manuscripts, contemporary arts, and traditional clothing are among the well-preserved collection. You may also take note in your Marrakech travel experience that museums here are not just brick-and-mortar structures but are also adorned with verdant gardens.

6. Stay in luxurious Riads in Marrakech.

Your Marrakech travel experience will not be complete without staying in the city’s famous Riads. These are residential facilities that top any 5-star hotel in modern cities. With luxurious rooms, overlooking views of the fountain, roof top terraces, and exquisite decorations, Riads are one of the best reasons to stay in Marrakech.

7. Experience the colorful tradition of Morocco.

Embrace the Moroccan culture through entertainment activities and festivals in Marrakech. The Popular Arts Festival is a good way to add more life to your Marrakech travel adventures. Have a great time with fortune-tellers, fire swallowers, and acting troupes in the culmination of this festivity. Apart from carnival spectacles, you’ll also witness the horse-riding parade known as Fantasia.

8. Treat yourself to fun-filled activities.

Popular streams of casinos, discos, and bars are found in the city. But remember, alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Chances are, you’ll have to stay sober all night. Apart from enjoying Western hits and Moroccan pop music, your Marrakech travel adventure can never be complete without experiencing a taste of its gourmet paradise. Most cafes and restaurants in Marrakech offer a fusion of flavors from home grown recipes to international dishes.