Showing posts with label Buying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buying. Show all posts

Buying a Home in Morocco

Maroc en Afrique du nord est un quartier populaire du monde pour les touristes, achat d'une maison et nouveaux chasseurs de développement comme le Maroc accueille avec satisfaction la propriété d'outre-mer & acheteurs à la maison. Avec côté d'aucun nt, ouvrant la voie au Maroc revitalisant. Pays stable associée en plein essor de la maison achat andrestrictions sur étrangers maison achat, développement de la propriété zones sont rige à alimenter la demande des propriétaires de maison deuxième et investir occasion.

Gouvernement populaire, Maroc tient à conduire par le biais de changements dans tout le pays et développement de l'achat et la propriété maison attire stisseme directs étrangers marché de l'immobilier que Maroc peut offrir un éventail de possibilités pour tous les budgets et les goûts. Avec le Maroc étant un climat chaud et un pays proche de l'Équateur, il offre plusieurs mois de soleil avec une propriété beaucoup moins cher en comparaison que d'autres pays similaires dans la région.

Avec le Maroc ayant une histoire d'accession à la propriété d'achat & de propriété sans actes, il est toujours préférable de vérifier les titres de propriété avec la propriété plus ancienne. Anciennes maisons de ville et terrains au Maroc a tendance à présenter un petit problème quand il s'agit de transférer la propriété de titre qu'il faut beaucoup plus de temps pour des titres de propriété sécurisés pour une maison & de la propriété sans actes. Une nouvelle maison construite tend à fournir une ligne droite avant la maison achat occasion de propriété comme nouveaux actes et accession à la propriété questions juridiques peuvent organisés par votre avocat.

Processus d'achat

-Regarde un voyage au Maroc en regardant potentiels de propriété et de maisons.

-Traiter directement avec les propriétaires de maison avec ancienne propriété comme cela semble être la pratique normale. Aussi une bonne idée de consulter un bon anglais

-Anglais parlant agent immobilier permettant une propriété appropriée et maisons pour vous de regarder.

-Les promoteurs immobiliers view nouveau construisirent des appartements et maisons.

-Décider d'un prix final lors de l'achat de la maison, qui est une autre coutume au Maroc.

-Accepter un prix final pour la propriété ou la maison.

-Obtenir l'accord de la maison ou les propriétaires de vendre la propriété et accepter les termes. -Désigner un avocat pour mener une enquête, des vérifications juridiques, vérification des titres de propriété et accession à la propriété de la propriété.

-L'avant-contrat est établi lorsque les deux parties acceptent le changement de l'accession à la propriété qui précise toutes les modalités et conditions.

-Verser un acompte à l'étape de l'entente initiale qui tend à être plus élevé que les autres pays.

-Avocat va aussi vérifier pour voir si il y a des dettes sur la propriété, que le nouveau propriétaire héritera de toutes les dettes quand maison achat au Maroc.

-En général un compte bancaire au Maroc est nécessaire pour le paiement des biens.

-Lorsque votre avocat professionnel et vous êtes heureux avec la propriété et toute la documentation puis l'accord définitif de transfert est initiée en payant le solde final due sur l'achat de la maison.

-Votre avocat sera alors officiellement entrer dans la maison propriété, achat vente, avec les représentants du gouvernement. Durée de l'accord d'achat d'achat ou de la propriété une maison à l'enregistrement de la propriété sous votre propriété peut prendre aussi peu qu'une semaine ou mois selon si il existe des problèmes qui se posent à travers la paperasse ou de planification.

Les frais et taxes sont facturés autour du taux de 6,5 % pour les bâtiments et terrains à 1 % du prix de vente total.


Maroc dans les villes & villes ont tous les moyens modernes de communication tels que les services à large bande et dial-up internet, télécopie, télégramme, téléphone et téléphone mobile signaux. Les zones rurales et le désert parfois un signal de téléphonie mobile est faible ou aucun service offert et vous êtes très conseillé de planifier tous les vivants et de voyager dans l'esprit de santé & de sécurité. Poste dans et hors du Maroc peut être lent à temps, même si envoi postaux internationaux ou express ou paquets devraient être le même service qu'offrent d'autres pays. Voyage


Plusieurs aéroports au Maroc, bien que pas tous les vols internationaux de service et peut être difficiles voir Maroc en avion avec spécialement affréter un volet vous-même privée.


Grandes routes d'une ville à l'autre et villes et autres petites routes à travers le Maroc sont pour la plupart utilisables. Volant autour de certaines parties du pays nécessite quatre véhicules à roues motrices que la route peut varier d'une surface inégale rugueuse, saleté, rocheuse et sablonneuses. Location d'une voiture, c'est sans problème et conduite rondes grandes villes & les villes qui sont bien signalisées. Route de péage est présents au Maroc et est payables à l'avance si vous souhaitez utiliser une route à péage.


Petit Taxi bon marché et plus abordables autour de Maroc les grandes villes. Petit taxis ne sont autorisés à transporter des passagers dans une ville spécifique et ne sont pas autorisés en dehors des limites de la ville. Taxi grand utilisable pour tout le Maroc et vous pouvez prendre la plupart des lieux vous souhaitez aller. Plus cher et plus confortable et sont généralement toutes les voitures Mercedes. Bonne idée dans les villes touristiques de demander pour un prix fixé avant de commencer votre voyage.


Transport en bus au Maroc est assez bon marché et dans les grandes villes pour définie à peu de frais pour les gens d'utiliser le bus et payer le billet d'avion en même temps. Se déplacer Maroc est possible en bus et tous les touristes et beaucoup de routes touristiques non sont nettoyées tous les jours.


Reliable s'entraîne et viennent presque toujours à l'heure sont le meilleur mode de transport pour se déplacer à un prix abordable. Comme les autres pays il est le premier et de deuxième classe et norme diffèrent selon le choix de transport vous choix de voyager. Compagnie de chemin de fer national marocain (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) prend vraiment soin de ses clients : gares Maroc sont bien équipées et propre et le personnel est très sympathique.

ONCF Call center : 090 20 30 40 site Web : à l'heure actuelle, les 3 principaux itinéraires des services sont: "Tanger-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca « Casablanca-Marrakech » Oujda-Fès-Meknes-Kenitra il y est également une ligne de train qui relie Casablanca à l'aéroport international Mohammed V. Des plans sont en place pour étendre le réseau ferroviaire pour desservir plus de villes et de villes du Maroc.


Tanger d'Espagne, Casablanca et autres ports sur le littoral du Maroc est accessible par la mer.

Assistance médicale

Toujours conseillé d'avoir une couverture médicale complète avant de quitter la maison. Le Maroc a bons hôpitaux, de cliniques privées et de médecin disponible 24 heures par jour, bien que dans certaines parties du pays, il est difficile d'accéder aux soins médicaux. Régions éloignées et le désert pourraient signifier heures avant une assistance médicale arrive et un moyen d'aide tels qu'un téléphone mobile en résumé est façons conseillé.

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Comprare una casa in Marocco

Marocco in Nord Africa è una parte popolare del mondo per i turisti, acquisto casa e nuovi cacciatori di sviluppo come il Marocco si compiace di proprietà d'oltremare & acquirenti di casa. Con successiva a no nt, aprendo la strada al Marocco rivitalizzante. Paese stabile accoppiato con boom casa acquisto andrestrictions stranieri casa acquisto, proprietà sviluppo aree sono essere eretto per alimentare la domanda di proprietari di seconda casa e opportunità di investire.

Governo popolare, Marocco è entusiasta di guidare attraverso il cambiamento in tutto il paese intero e sviluppo casa acquisto e proprietà sta attirando investme diretto estero mercato immobiliare che Marocco in grado di offrire una gamma di opportunità per tutti i budget e gusti. Con il Marocco, essendo un clima caldo e un paese vicino all'equatore offre molti mesi di sole con proprietà molto meno costoso in confronto di altri paesi simili nella regione.

Con il Marocco, avendo una storia di casa acquisto & proprietà di proprietà senza gesta è sempre meglio controllare rogiti con proprietà più anziani. Anziani case e terreni in Marocco tende a presentare un piccolo problema quando si tratta di trasferimento della proprietà del titolo come ci vuole molto più tempo ai fatti di sicuri per una casa & proprietà senza gesta. Una nuova casa costruita tende a fornire un dritto in avanti acquisto casa opportunità di proprietà come nuovi atti e casa di proprietà questioni giuridiche possono organizzati dal vostro avvocato.

Processo di acquisto

-Visualizzazione di viaggi in Marocco guardando potenziali proprietà e case.

-Trattare direttamente con i proprietari di casa con proprietà più vecchi come questo tende ad essere la pratica normale. Anche una buona idea di consultare con un buon inglese

-Italiano lingua agente immobiliare che fornirà le proprietà adatte e case per voi a guardare.

-Gli sviluppatori di proprietà vista nuovi costruirono appartamenti e case.

-Decidere il prezzo finale quando si acquista casa, che è un'altra usanza in Marocco.

-Concordare un prezzo finale per la proprietà o la casa.

-L'accordo del proprietario di casa o i proprietari a vendere la proprietà e accettare i termini di guadagno. -Nominare un avvocato di condurre un'indagine, verifiche legali, controllo rogiti e casa di proprietà della proprietà.

-Contratto preliminare è redatto quando entrambe le parti concordano il cambio di proprietà della casa che verrà dettaglio tutti i termini e condizioni.

-Pagare un deposito nella fase iniziale accordo che tende ad essere più elevato rispetto ad altri paesi.

-Avvocato controllerà anche per vedere se ci sono eventuali debiti insoluti sulla proprietà, come il nuovo proprietario avrebbe ereditato tutti i debiti, quando casa acquisto in Marocco.

-In generale un conto bancario in Marocco è richiesto il pagamento di proprietà.

-Quando il tuo avvocato professionale e tu sei felice con la proprietà e quindi l'accordo finale di trasferire tutta la documentazione è iniziata da pagare il saldo finale dovuto l'acquisto della casa.

-Il tuo avvocato entrerà ufficialmente la casa di proprietà acquisto vendita con i funzionari di governo. Periodo di tempo da concordare un acquisto casa di proprietà o l'acquisto per registrare la proprietà sotto la vostra proprietà può prendere più di una settimana o mesi a seconda se ci sono eventuali problemi che si presentano attraverso pratiche burocratiche o di pianificazione.

Tariffe e tasse pagano intorno al tasso del 6,5% per edifici e terreni all'1% del prezzo di vendita totale.


Marocco in città & città hanno tutti i moderni mezzi di comunicazione come la banda larga e dial-up internet, fax, telegramma, telefoni e telefonia mobile segnali. Zone rurali e il deserto a volte un segnale di telefonia mobile è debole o nessun servizio disponibile e si è molto consigliabile pianificare tutti i viventi e viaggiare nella mente di salute & sicurezza. Alberino dentro e fuori del Marocco può essere lento a tempo, anche se invio spedizione internazionale o espresso o pacchetti dovrebbero essere lo stesso servizio, come altri paesi offrono. Viaggi


Diversi aeroporti in Marocco, anche se non tutti i voli internazionali di servizio e può essere difficili vedere il Marocco in aereo con in particolare noleggiando un riquadro te privatamente.


Principali autostrade da città a città e città e altre strade minori in Marocco, sono per lo più usabile. Guidando alcune parti del paese richiede quattro ruote motrici del veicolo come la strada può variare da una superficie ruvida irregolare, sporcizia, sabbia e rocciosa. Noleggiare un'auto è nessun problema e guida rotonda principali città & città che sono ben segno inviato. Pedaggio strada pagamenti sono presenti in Marocco e sono pagabili in anticipo se si desidera utilizzare una strada a pedaggio.


Petit Taxi a buon mercato e più conveniente intorno Marocco città e paesi principali. Petit taxi sono consentiti solo a traghetto passeggeri in uno specifico paese o città e non sono ammessi di fuori dei limiti della città. Grand Taxi utilizzabile per tutto il Marocco e si può prendere la maggior parte dei luoghi che si desidera andare. Più costoso e confortevole e sono generalmente tutte le vetture Mercedes. Buona idea in città turistiche per chiedere un prezzo stabilito prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio.


Trasporto in autobus in Marocco è abbastanza a buon mercato e nelle principali città per è impostato a buon mercato per le persone a usare il bus e permettersi la tariffa allo stesso tempo. Muoversi in Marocco è possibile in bus e tutti turistica e un sacco di itinerari turistici non sono servite ogni giorno.


Affidabile addestra e quasi sempre venire in tempo sono la migliore modalità di trasporto per andare in giro ad un prezzo accessibile. Come altri paesi c'è prima e seconda classe e standard differiscono secondo la scelta della carrozza si scelta per viaggiare. Compagnia ferroviaria nazionale marocchine (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) sta prendendo davvero buona cura dei propri clienti: stazioni ferroviarie in Marocco, sono ben attrezzate e pulito e il personale sono molto cordiale.

ONCF Call center: 090 20 30 40 sito Web: al momento i 3 principali rotte servizi sono: "Tangeri-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca"Casablanca-Marrakech"Oujda-Fes-Meknes-Kenitra c'è anche una linea ferroviaria che collega Casablanca all'aeroporto internazionale Mohammed V. Piani sono in atto per espandere la rete ferroviaria per servire più le città in tutto il Marocco.


Tangeri da Spagna, Casablanca e altri porti della costa del Marocco sono accessibili dal mare.

Assistenza medica

Sempre consigliabile avere una copertura medica completa prima di uscire di casa. Il Marocco ha buoni ospedali, cliniche private e medico disponibile 24 ore al giorno, anche se in alcune parti del paese è difficile accedere a cure mediche. Aree remote e deserto potrebbe significare ore prima arriva assistenza medica e un mezzo di sommando un aiuto come un telefono cellulare è consigliabile modi.

Ray Blanchett RC proprietà in tutto il mondo

Buying a Home in Morocco

Morocco in North Africa is a popular part of the world for tourists, home buying and new development hunters as Morocco welcomes overseas property & home buyers. With next to no nt, leading the way to revitalising Morocco. Stable country coupled with booming home buying andrestrictions on foreigners home buying, property development areas are being erected to fuel the demand of second home owners and invest opportunity.

Popular, Morocco government is keen to drive through change throughout the entire country and home buying and property development is attracting foreign direct investme property market Morocco can offer a range of opportunities for all budgets and tastes. With Morocco being a warm climate and a country close to the equator it offers many months of sun with much less expensive property in comparison than other similar countries in the region.

With Morocco having a history of home buying & property ownership without deeds it is always best to check title deeds with older property. Older townhouses and land in Morocco tends to present a small problem when it comes to transferring title ownership as it takes much longer to secure deeds for a home & property without deeds. A new built home tends to provide a straight forward home buying ownership opportunity as new deeds and home ownership legal issues can arranged by your lawyer.

Buying Process

- Viewing trips to Morocco looking at potential property and homes.

- Deal direct with home owners with older property as this tends to be the normal practice. Also a good idea to consult with a good English

- English speaking estate agent that will provide suitable property and homes for you to look at.

- View property developers new built apartments and homes.

- Decide on a final price when home buying, which is another custom in Morocco.

- Agree a final price for the property or home.

- Gain the agreement of the home owner or owners to sell the property and accept the terms. - Appoint a lawyer to conduct a survey, legal checks, title deeds check and home ownership of the property.

- Preliminary contract is drawn up when both parties agree the change of home ownership that will detail all terms and conditions.

- Pay a deposit at the initial agreement stage which tends to be higher than other countries.

- Lawyer will also check to see if there is any outstanding debts on the property, as the new owner would inherit all debts when home buying in Morocco.

- In general a bank account in Morocco is required for the payment of property.

- When your professional lawyer and you are happy with the property and all documentation then the final agreement to transfer is initiated by paying the final outstanding balance owed on the purchase of the home.

- Your lawyer will then officially enter the property home buying sale with the government officials. Time period from agreeing a home buying or property purchase to registering the property under your ownership can take as little as a week or months depending on if there are any issues that arise through paperwork or planning.

Fees and taxes are charged around the rate of 6.5% for buildings and land at 1% of the total sales price.


Morocco in towns & cities have all the modern means of communication such as broadband and dial up internet, fax, telegram, telephones and mobile telephone signals. Rural areas and the desert at times a mobile telephone signal is weak or no service available and you are very advisable to plan all living and travel in mind of health & safety. Post in and out of Morocco can be slow at time, although sending international or express postage or packages should be the same service as other countries offer. Travel


Several airports in Morocco, although not all service international flights and can be difficult seeing Morocco by plane with specifically chartering a pane yourself privately.


Major highways from city to city and towns and other minor roads throughout morocco are mostly usable. Driving around some parts of the country requires four wheeled drive vehicle as the road can range from a rough uneven surface, dirt, rocky and sand. Hiring a car is no problem and driving round major towns & cities which are well sign posted. Toll road payments are present in Morocco and are payable in advance if you wish to use a toll road.


Petit Taxi Cheap and most affordable around morocco cities and major towns. Petit taxis are only permitted to ferry passengers in one specific town or city and are not allowed outside the city limits. Grand Taxi Usable for all over Morocco and can take you most places you wish to go. More expensive and comfortable and generally are all Mercedes cars. Good idea in tourist cities to ask for a set price before starting your journey.


Transportation by bus in Morocco is fairly cheap and in major towns and cities for is set cheap for people to use the bus and afford the fare at the same time. Getting around Morocco is possible by bus and all tourist and a lot of non tourist routes are serviced every day.


Reliable trains and almost always come on time are the best mode of transport to get around at an affordable price. As like other countries there is first and second class and standard differ according to the choice of carriage you choice to travel. Moroccan national railway company (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) is taking really good care of its customers: train stations throughout Morocco are well-equipped and clean and the personnel are very friendly.

ONCF Call center: 090 20 30 40 Website: At present the 3 main routes services are: " Tangier-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca " Casablanca-Marrakech " Oujda-Fes-Meknes-Kenitra There is also a train line which connects Casablanca to the Mohammed V international airport. Plans are in place to expand the rail network to service more towns and cities throughout Morocco.


Tangier from Spain, Casablanca and other ports on the coastline of Morocco can be accessed by the sea.

Medical Assistance

Always advisable to have comprehensive medical coverage before leaving home. Morocco has good hospitals, private clinics and doctor available 24 hours a day, although in some parts of the country it is difficult to access medical care. Remote areas and the desert could mean hours before medical assistance arrives and a means of summing help such as a mobile phone is ways advisable.

Ray Blanchett RC Property Worldwide

Buying a Home in Morocco

Morocco in towns & cities have all the modern means of communication such as broadband and dial up internet, fax, telegram, telephones and mobile telephone signals. Rural areas and the desert at times a mobile telephone signal is weak or no service available and you are very advisable to plan all living and travel in mind of health & safety. Post in and out of Morocco can be slow at time, although sending international or express postage or packages should be the same service as other countries offer. Travel

Morocco in North Africa is a popular part of the world for tourists, home buying and new development hunters as Morocco welcomes overseas property & home buyers. With next to no nt, leading the way to revitalising Morocco. Stable country coupled with booming home buying andrestrictions on foreigners home buying, property development areas are being erected to fuel the demand of second home owners and invest opportunity.

Popular, Morocco government is keen to drive through change throughout the entire country and home buying and property development is attracting foreign direct investme property market Morocco can offer a range of opportunities for all budgets and tastes. With Morocco being a warm climate and a country close to the equator it offers many months of sun with much less expensive property in comparison than other similar countries in the region.

With Morocco having a history of home buying & property ownership without deeds it is always best to check title deeds with older property. Older townhouses and land in Morocco tends to present a small problem when it comes to transferring title ownership as it takes much longer to secure deeds for a home & property without deeds. A new built home tends to provide a straight forward home buying ownership opportunity as new deeds and home ownership legal issues can arranged by your lawyer.

Buying Process

- Viewing trips to Morocco looking at potential property and homes.

- Deal direct with home owners with older property as this tends to be the normal practice. Also a good idea to consult with a good English

- English speaking estate agent that will provide suitable property and homes for you to look at.

- View property developers new built apartments and homes.

- Decide on a final price when home buying, which is another custom in Morocco.

- Agree a final price for the property or home.

- Gain the agreement of the home owner or owners to sell the property and accept the terms. - Appoint a lawyer to conduct a survey, legal checks, title deeds check and home ownership of the property.

- Preliminary contract is drawn up when both parties agree the change of home ownership that will detail all terms and conditions.

- Pay a deposit at the initial agreement stage which tends to be higher than other countries.

- Lawyer will also check to see if there is any outstanding debts on the property, as the new owner would inherit all debts when home buying in Morocco.

- In general a bank account in Morocco is required for the payment of property.

- When your professional lawyer and you are happy with the property and all documentation then the final agreement to transfer is initiated by paying the final outstanding balance owed on the purchase of the home.

- Your lawyer will then officially enter the property home buying sale with the government officials. Time period from agreeing a home buying or property purchase to registering the property under your ownership can take as little as a week or months depending on if there are any issues that arise through paperwork or planning.

Fees and taxes are charged around the rate of 6.5% for buildings and land at 1% of the total sales price.


Several airports in Morocco, although not all service international flights and can be difficult seeing Morocco by plane with specifically chartering a pane yourself privately.


Major highways from city to city and towns and other minor roads throughout morocco are mostly usable. Driving around some parts of the country requires four wheeled drive vehicle as the road can range from a rough uneven surface, dirt, rocky and sand. Hiring a car is no problem and driving round major towns & cities which are well sign posted. Toll road payments are present in Morocco and are payable in advance if you wish to use a toll road.


Petit Taxi Cheap and most affordable around morocco cities and major towns. Petit taxis are only permitted to ferry passengers in one specific town or city and are not allowed outside the city limits. Grand Taxi Usable for all over Morocco and can take you most places you wish to go. More expensive and comfortable and generally are all Mercedes cars. Good idea in tourist cities to ask for a set price before starting your journey.


Transportation by bus in Morocco is fairly cheap and in major towns and cities for is set cheap for people to use the bus and afford the fare at the same time. Getting around Morocco is possible by bus and all tourist and a lot of non tourist routes are serviced every day.


Reliable trains and almost always come on time are the best mode of transport to get around at an affordable price. As like other countries there is first and second class and standard differ according to the choice of carriage you choice to travel. Moroccan national railway company (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) is taking really good care of its customers: train stations throughout Morocco are well-equipped and clean and the personnel are very friendly.

ONCF Call center: 090 20 30 40 Website: At present the 3 main routes services are: " Tangier-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca " Casablanca-Marrakech " Oujda-Fes-Meknes-Kenitra There is also a train line which connects Casablanca to the Mohammed V international airport. Plans are in place to expand the rail network to service more towns and cities throughout Morocco.


Tangier from Spain, Casablanca and other ports on the coastline of Morocco can be accessed by the sea.

Medical Assistance

Always advisable to have comprehensive medical coverage before leaving home. Morocco has good hospitals, private clinics and doctor available 24 hours a day, although in some parts of the country it is difficult to access medical care. Remote areas and the desert could mean hours before medical assistance arrives and a means of summing help such as a mobile phone is ways advisable.

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Buying a Home in Morocco

Popular, Morocco government is keen to drive through change throughout the entire country and home buying and property development is attracting foreign direct investme property market Morocco can offer a range of opportunities for all budgets and tastes. With Morocco being a warm climate and a country close to the equator it offers many months of sun with much less expensive property in comparison than other similar countries in the region.

With Morocco having a history of home buying & property ownership without deeds it is always best to check title deeds with older property. Older townhouses and land in Morocco tends to present a small problem when it comes to transferring title ownership as it takes much longer to secure deeds for a home & property without deeds. A new built home tends to provide a straight forward home buying ownership opportunity as new deeds and home ownership legal issues can arranged by your lawyer.

- Viewing trips to Morocco looking at potential property and homes.

- Deal direct with home owners with older property as this tends to be the normal practice. Also a good idea to consult with a good English

- English speaking estate agent that will provide suitable property and homes for you to look at.

- View property developers new built apartments and homes.

- Decide on a final price when home buying, which is another custom in Morocco.

- Agree a final price for the property or home.

- Gain the agreement of the home owner or owners to sell the property and accept the terms. - Appoint a lawyer to conduct a survey, legal checks, title deeds check and home ownership of the property.

- Preliminary contract is drawn up when both parties agree the change of home ownership that will detail all terms and conditions.

- Pay a deposit at the initial agreement stage which tends to be higher than other countries.

- Lawyer will also check to see if there is any outstanding debts on the property, as the new owner would inherit all debts when home buying in Morocco.

- In general a bank account in Morocco is required for the payment of property.

- When your professional lawyer and you are happy with the property and all documentation then the final agreement to transfer is initiated by paying the final outstanding balance owed on the purchase of the home.

- Your lawyer will then officially enter the property home buying sale with the government officials. Time period from agreeing a home buying or property purchase to registering the property under your ownership can take as little as a week or months depending on if there are any issues that arise through paperwork or planning.

Fees and taxes are charged around the rate of 6.5% for buildings and land at 1% of the total sales price.

Morocco in towns & cities have all the modern means of communication such as broadband and dial up internet, fax, telegram, telephones and mobile telephone signals. Rural areas and the desert at times a mobile telephone signal is weak or no service available and you are very advisable to plan all living and travel in mind of health & safety. Post in and out of Morocco can be slow at time, although sending international or express postage or packages should be the same service as other countries offer. Travel


Several airports in Morocco, although not all service international flights and can be difficult seeing Morocco by plane with specifically chartering a pane yourself privately.


Major highways from city to city and towns and other minor roads throughout morocco are mostly usable. Driving around some parts of the country requires four wheeled drive vehicle as the road can range from a rough uneven surface, dirt, rocky and sand. Hiring a car is no problem and driving round major towns & cities which are well sign posted. Toll road payments are present in Morocco and are payable in advance if you wish to use a toll road.


Petit Taxi Cheap and most affordable around morocco cities and major towns. Petit taxis are only permitted to ferry passengers in one specific town or city and are not allowed outside the city limits. Grand Taxi Usable for all over Morocco and can take you most places you wish to go. More expensive and comfortable and generally are all Mercedes cars. Good idea in tourist cities to ask for a set price before starting your journey.


Transportation by bus in Morocco is fairly cheap and in major towns and cities for is set cheap for people to use the bus and afford the fare at the same time. Getting around Morocco is possible by bus and all tourist and a lot of non tourist routes are serviced every day.


Reliable trains and almost always come on time are the best mode of transport to get around at an affordable price. As like other countries there is first and second class and standard differ according to the choice of carriage you choice to travel. Moroccan national railway company (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) is taking really good care of its customers: train stations throughout Morocco are well-equipped and clean and the personnel are very friendly.

ONCF Call center: 090 20 30 40 Website: At present the 3 main routes services are: " Tangier-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca " Casablanca-Marrakech " Oujda-Fes-Meknes-Kenitra There is also a train line which connects Casablanca to the Mohammed V international airport. Plans are in place to expand the rail network to service more towns and cities throughout Morocco.


Tangier from Spain, Casablanca and other ports on the coastline of Morocco can be accessed by the sea.

Medical Assistance

Always advisable to have comprehensive medical coverage before leaving home. Morocco has good hospitals, private clinics and doctor available 24 hours a day, although in some parts of the country it is difficult to access medical care. Remote areas and the desert could mean hours before medical assistance arrives and a means of summing help such as a mobile phone is ways advisable.

Morocco in North Africa is a popular part of the world for tourists, home buying and new development hunters as Morocco welcomes overseas property & home buyers. With next to no nt, leading the way to revitalising Morocco. Stable country coupled with booming home buying andrestrictions on foreigners home buying, property development areas are being erected to fuel the demand of second home owners and invest opportunity.

To Market, to Market - Buying and Living in Morocco

Faring better under global recession conditions, Morocco is now one of the most stable economies in northern Africa. A youthful and progressive king, Mohammed VI has enthusiastically embraced economic development and has changed laws to make property investment easier for foreigners, providing an array of tax incentives such as low CGT, no inheritance tax and no property tax for the first five years.

His ambitious tourist project Vision 2010 aims to attract 10 million visitors a year to the country where English, French and Spanish are widely spoken, and is responsible for an extensive programme of resort development, such as the flagship Mediterranea Saidia on the north coast.

In the last ten years, house prices have more than doubled in Morocco, particularly in the popular cities of Tangiers, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat and Casablanca. Buyers have the option of an older property, such as the traditional Moroccan townhouse, or 'riad' that can be found in the medinas of the old cities, or a European colonial-style home (high ceilings, cool spaces, shutters, landscaped gardens) normally found in special development zones on the outskirts of cities, or a property within one of the big Mediterranean-style resort developments with amenities such as swimming pools, shops and restaurants.

A property in need of work can cost from £50,000 upwards, while a refurbished riad can set you back anything from £150,000 to over a million pounds. But Shaw's company can guide prospective buyers through the whole process. "Elite Morocco Properties have a team dedicated to sourcing the best riad opportunities and we can help you with everything from legal advice to renovation to management, rental and even the sale of your finished riad."

Wherever and whatever you buy, says Michael Kent of Moroccan Sands, the property company marketing the Blue Pearl Golf Resort in Saidia, make sure you take good advice. "It is fairly straightforward to buy property in Morocco and there are good tax benefits," says Kent, "but make sure you use a good independent local lawyer with knowledge of the Moroccan system. You should also ensure that all the payments you make for the property go into Morocco. This makes repatriation of the profit much easier."

Moroccan tourism's flagship Plan Azur project offers luxurious resort living in the government-backed Saidia development, which has covenants in place to cover any failure by developers. There is also a 15-year no-build guarantee on the surrounds so that the value of properties cannot be diluted by copycat developments. With shops, restaurants, sport and leisure facilities, marinas, golf courses, landscaped gardens and of course miles and miles of beaches, Saidia is at the centre of the King's Vision 2010 programme, and he often visits to monitor its progress. A variety of house styles are available, from apartments to penthouses and villas, starting at around £100,000.

When it comes to budgeting, on a £100,000 property for example, you would need to allow for around six to seven per cent to cover stamp duty, lawyer and notary fees, land registry and agent fees. So with links by air improving all the time, a glorious year-round climate and an exotic and colourful culture, Morocco seems perfect for Brits looking for some guaranteed winter sun.

What To Look Out For When You Re Buying Travel Books

Surely everyone loves a good travel book but sometimes they can be disappointing, more often, say, than a recipe or handcraft book. There are ways to avoid missing the bus.

Before forking out dollars for a travel book, ask yourself the following: am I in love with the idea of this book or the book itself? Take for example a book entitled “Gorgeous Morocco”. Are you in love with the idea of glorious Morocco or the book you are holding in your hand? To establish this you need to ask: what is the purpose of buying this book?

If you are planning a trip to Morocco and it’s nuts-and-bolts information you are seeking, then it is no good buying the incoherent ramblings of a traveling school teacher in the 1950's. It’s also no good being attracted by the photographs, because photos do lie and hardly constitute hard information. If you are simply keen on reading and learning about Morocco in general, then a book written from any angle will do, unless it is something completely off-beam, like a book written in the 1920's by a missionary, called “How I Converted Four Heathens In Morocco”.

If it’s useful travel information you are after, ask yourself: is this book up to date and properly researched? If you are holding a book called “Mainland Greece”, for instance, do a quick test. Think of a town in mainland Greece you know, such as Thrace, and see how quickly it takes to locate the section on Thrace and how useful the information is concerning accommodation, transport, restaurants, attractions, etc.

Easy-to-navigate handbooks with great indexes are just the ticket. They should be compact, so you can fit them in your hand luggage and cheap enough that if you lose them you don’t mind. The rule of thumb is that a few illustrative photographs are good – they show serious intent on the part of author and publisher to inform you – but too many photographs diminish the quality and quantity of the usable information. There should be concise historical nuggets and handy insider travel tips. There should also be complementary online resources listed for up-to-the-minute information.

If it’s not practical information you are after, but you want to feed your travel dreams and inform yourselves about countries through the ages then ask: who wrote this book? There has been a “colonization” of countries through travel writing. I mean that certain writers in English writing have become inextricably linked with writings about certain countries. They are quite simply the last word on the subject.

Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller colonized Greece. Lawrence of Arabia colonized Arabia, Robert Lacey colonized Saudi Arabia. William Dalrymple colonized Byzantium and Delhi. The Durrells colonized Corfu. Bill Bryson colonized Australia and rural America. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter

What To Look Out For When You Re Buying Travel Books

Surely everyone loves a good travel book but sometimes they can be disappointing, more often, say, than a recipe or handcraft book. There are ways to avoid missing the bus.

Before forking out dollars for a travel book, ask yourself the following: am I in love with the idea of this book or the book itself? Take for example a book entitled “Gorgeous Morocco”. Are you in love with the idea of glorious Morocco or the book you are holding in your hand? To establish this you need to ask: what is the purpose of buying this book?

If you are planning a trip to Morocco and it’s nuts-and-bolts information you are seeking, then it is no good buying the incoherent ramblings of a traveling school teacher in the 1950's. It’s also no good being attracted by the photographs, because photos do lie and hardly constitute hard information. If you are simply keen on reading and learning about Morocco in general, then a book written from any angle will do, unless it is something completely off-beam, like a book written in the 1920's by a missionary, called “How I Converted Four Heathens In Morocco”.

If it’s useful travel information you are after, ask yourself: is this book up to date and properly researched? If you are holding a book called “Mainland Greece”, for instance, do a quick test. Think of a town in mainland Greece you know, such as Thrace, and see how quickly it takes to locate the section on Thrace and how useful the information is concerning accommodation, transport, restaurants, attractions, etc.

Easy-to-navigate handbooks with great indexes are just the ticket. They should be compact, so you can fit them in your hand luggage and cheap enough that if you lose them you don’t mind. The rule of thumb is that a few illustrative photographs are good – they show serious intent on the part of author and publisher to inform you – but too many photographs diminish the quality and quantity of the usable information. There should be concise historical nuggets and handy insider travel tips. There should also be complementary online resources listed for up-to-the-minute information.

If it’s not practical information you are after, but you want to feed your travel dreams and inform yourselves about countries through the ages then ask: who wrote this book? There has been a “colonization” of countries through travel writing. I mean that certain writers in English writing have become inextricably linked with writings about certain countries. They are quite simply the last word on the subject.

Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller colonized Greece. Lawrence of Arabia colonized Arabia, Robert Lacey colonized Saudi Arabia. William Dalrymple colonized Byzantium and Delhi. The Durrells colonized Corfu. Bill Bryson colonized Australia and rural America. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter

What To Look Out For When You Re Buying Travel Books

Surely everyone loves a good travel book but sometimes they can be disappointing, more often, say, than a recipe or handcraft book. There are ways to avoid missing the bus.

Before forking out dollars for a travel book, ask yourself the following: am I in love with the idea of this book or the book itself? Take for example a book entitled “Gorgeous Morocco”. Are you in love with the idea of glorious Morocco or the book you are holding in your hand? To establish this you need to ask: what is the purpose of buying this book?

If you are planning a trip to Morocco and it’s nuts-and-bolts information you are seeking, then it is no good buying the incoherent ramblings of a traveling school teacher in the 1950's. It’s also no good being attracted by the photographs, because photos do lie and hardly constitute hard information. If you are simply keen on reading and learning about Morocco in general, then a book written from any angle will do, unless it is something completely off-beam, like a book written in the 1920's by a missionary, called “How I Converted Four Heathens In Morocco”.

If it’s useful travel information you are after, ask yourself: is this book up to date and properly researched? If you are holding a book called “Mainland Greece”, for instance, do a quick test. Think of a town in mainland Greece you know, such as Thrace, and see how quickly it takes to locate the section on Thrace and how useful the information is concerning accommodation, transport, restaurants, attractions, etc.

Easy-to-navigate handbooks with great indexes are just the ticket. They should be compact, so you can fit them in your hand luggage and cheap enough that if you lose them you don’t mind. The rule of thumb is that a few illustrative photographs are good – they show serious intent on the part of author and publisher to inform you – but too many photographs diminish the quality and quantity of the usable information. There should be concise historical nuggets and handy insider travel tips. There should also be complementary online resources listed for up-to-the-minute information.

If it’s not practical information you are after, but you want to feed your travel dreams and inform yourselves about countries through the ages then ask: who wrote this book? There has been a “colonization” of countries through travel writing. I mean that certain writers in English writing have become inextricably linked with writings about certain countries. They are quite simply the last word on the subject.

Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller colonized Greece. Lawrence of Arabia colonized Arabia, Robert Lacey colonized Saudi Arabia. William Dalrymple colonized Byzantium and Delhi. The Durrells colonized Corfu. Bill Bryson colonized Australia and rural America. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter

Ce qu'il faut regarder quand vous Re acheter les livres de voyage

Sûrement tout le monde aime un livre de bon voyage, mais parfois ils peuvent être décevants, plus souvent, de dire, d'une recette ou artisanat livre. Il y a des manières d'éviter manque le bus.

Avant de bifurquer dehors dollars pour un livre de voyage, demandez-vous ce qui suit : je suis en amour avec l'idée de ce livre ou le livre lui-même ? Prenons par exemple un livre intitulé « Magnifique Maroc ». Vous êtes en amour avec l'idée de glorieux Maroc ou le livre que vous tenez dans votre main ? Pour établir ce que vous devez poser : quel est le but d'acheter ce livre ?

Si vous prévoyez un voyage au Maroc, et c'est des écrous et des boulons les informations que vous recherchez, puis ce n'est aucuns bon achat les divagations incohérentes d'un professeur d'école itinérante dans les années 1950. Il n'est également pas bon étant attirés par les photographies, car les photos font mentir et difficilement constituer une information difficile. Si vous êtes simplement désireux de lire et d'apprendre sur le Maroc en général, un livre écrit sous tous les angles, sauf si c'est quelque chose de complètement hors-faisceau, comme un livre écrit dans les années 1920 par un missionnaire, appelé « Comment I converti quatre païens au Maroc », va faire.

Si c'est la course utile information vous êtes après, demandez-vous : est ce livre à jour et correctement documenté ? Si vous tenez un livre intitulé « La Grèce continentale », par exemple, faire un test rapide. Pensez à une ville en Grèce, vous savez, comme la Thrace et de voir combien de temps il faut pour localiser la section sur la Thrace et l'utilité de l'information se concernant l'hébergement, transports, restaurants, attractions, etc..

Manuels facile à naviguer avec des index de grandes sont juste le billet. Ils devraient être compacts, donc vous pouvez l'adapter dans votre bagage à main et assez bon marché que si vous les perdez vous ne me dérange pas. La règle est que quelques photographies illustratives sont bons-ils montrent une intention sérieuse la part l'auteur et l'éditeur désire vous informer – mais trop nombreuses photographies diminuent la qualité et la quantité des informations utilisables. Il devrait y avoir des pépites historiques concis et des conseils de voyage très pratique d'initiés. Il devrait y avoir aussi des ressources en ligne complémentaires énumérés pour plus d'informations à jour sur.

Si ce n'est pas des informations pratiques vous êtes après, mais vous voulez nourrir vos rêves de voyage et vous informer sur les pays à travers les âges alors demander : qui a écrit ce livre ? Il y a eu une « colonisation » de pays à travers l'écriture de voyage. Je veux dire que certains auteurs en rédaction anglaise ont devenu indissociable du écrits au sujet de certains pays. Ils sont tout simplement le dernier mot sur le sujet.

Lawrence Durrell et Henry Miller ont colonisé la Grèce. Lawrence d'Arabie colonisée Arabia, Robert Lacey colonisés d'Arabie saoudite. William Dalrymple colonisé de Byzance et Delhi. Corfou colonisée de la Durrells. Bill Bryson colonisé l'Australie et l'Amérique rurale. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter

What To Look Out For When You Re Buying Travel Books

Surely everyone loves a good travel book but sometimes they can be disappointing, more often, say, than a recipe or handcraft book. There are ways to avoid missing the bus.

Before forking out dollars for a travel book, ask yourself the following: am I in love with the idea of this book or the book itself? Take for example a book entitled “Gorgeous Morocco”. Are you in love with the idea of glorious Morocco or the book you are holding in your hand? To establish this you need to ask: what is the purpose of buying this book?

If you are planning a trip to Morocco and it’s nuts-and-bolts information you are seeking, then it is no good buying the incoherent ramblings of a traveling school teacher in the 1950's. It’s also no good being attracted by the photographs, because photos do lie and hardly constitute hard information. If you are simply keen on reading and learning about Morocco in general, then a book written from any angle will do, unless it is something completely off-beam, like a book written in the 1920's by a missionary, called “How I Converted Four Heathens In Morocco”.

If it’s useful travel information you are after, ask yourself: is this book up to date and properly researched? If you are holding a book called “Mainland Greece”, for instance, do a quick test. Think of a town in mainland Greece you know, such as Thrace, and see how quickly it takes to locate the section on Thrace and how useful the information is concerning accommodation, transport, restaurants, attractions, etc.

Easy-to-navigate handbooks with great indexes are just the ticket. They should be compact, so you can fit them in your hand luggage and cheap enough that if you lose them you don’t mind. The rule of thumb is that a few illustrative photographs are good – they show serious intent on the part of author and publisher to inform you – but too many photographs diminish the quality and quantity of the usable information. There should be concise historical nuggets and handy insider travel tips. There should also be complementary online resources listed for up-to-the-minute information.

If it’s not practical information you are after, but you want to feed your travel dreams and inform yourselves about countries through the ages then ask: who wrote this book? There has been a “colonization” of countries through travel writing. I mean that certain writers in English writing have become inextricably linked with writings about certain countries. They are quite simply the last word on the subject.

Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller colonized Greece. Lawrence of Arabia colonized Arabia, Robert Lacey colonized Saudi Arabia. William Dalrymple colonized Byzantium and Delhi. The Durrells colonized Corfu. Bill Bryson colonized Australia and rural America. Lisa St. Aubin de Ter